[Release] RadialMenu - Configurable menu for chat commands using Wheelnav.js

Can someone send me version when looks like that ?

, i really like to try make nicer look :smiley:

yes please love that

You can find the code is in the original reply

i did copy and paste ur code but now the menu wont pop up just the mouse please help.

Loving it !


can you please help to get mine to work

can you please help to get mine to work

If you only copy and paste you will never learn my friend.

1 Like

i have tried everything
i have got the icons i get the mouse pointer but no menu

Anyway to yet create a menu inside a menu?

Level 1 - Emotes button for example which then goes to level 2
Level 2 Emotes - Has the emote buttons?

How you do that?
How do you connect ESX?
Can you give me a little hint, please?

Many peoples wait implement this function. We need submenus :face_with_monocle:

i just need a working menu

  1. extract radialmenu (dont rename folder) to resource folder
  2. add radialmenu to server.cfg
  3. change key for radial menu in config.lua keybind =“F6” (default F6)

start server and enjoy

@zek0 @Yaukz_Zkuay @Tommo-101

You can easily implement submenus by getting creative with the Lua file and adding your own commands to show the different submenus.


-- Menu state
local showMenu = false

-- Keybind Lookup table
local keybindControls = {
	["ESC"] = 322, ["F1"] = 288, ["F2"] = 289, ["F3"] = 170, ["F5"] = 166, ["F6"] = 167, ["F7"] = 168, ["F8"] = 169, ["F9"] = 56, ["F10"] = 57, ["~"] = 243, ["1"] = 157, ["2"] = 158, ["3"] = 160, ["4"] = 164, ["5"] = 165, ["6"] = 159, ["7"] = 161, ["8"] = 162, ["9"] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, ["BACKSPACE"] = 177, ["TAB"] = 37, ["Q"] = 44, ["W"] = 32, ["E"] = 38, ["R"] = 45, ["T"] = 245, ["Y"] = 246, ["U"] = 303, ["P"] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, ["ENTER"] = 18, ["CAPS"] = 137, ["A"] = 34, ["S"] = 8, ["D"] = 9, ["F"] = 23, ["G"] = 47, ["H"] = 74, ["K"] = 311, ["L"] = 182, ["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21, ["Z"] = 20, ["X"] = 73, ["C"] = 26, ["V"] = 0, ["B"] = 29, ["N"] = 249, ["M"] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81, ["LEFTCTRL"] = 36, ["LEFTALT"] = 19, ["SPACE"] = 22, ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70, ["HOME"] = 213, ["PAGEUP"] = 10, ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11, ["DELETE"] = 178, ["LEFT"] = 174, ["RIGHT"] = 175, ["TOP"] = 27, ["DOWN"] = 173, ["NENTER"] = 201, ["N4"] = 108, ["N5"] = 60, ["N6"] = 107, ["N+"] = 96, ["N-"] = 97, ["N7"] = 117, ["N8"] = 61, ["N9"] = 118

-- Main thread
    -- Update every frame
    while true do

        -- Loop through all menus in config
        for _, menuConfig in pairs(menuConfigs) do
            -- Check if menu should be enabled
            if menuConfig:enableMenu() then
                -- When keybind is pressed toggle UI
                local keybindControl = keybindControls[menuConfig.data.keybind]
                if IsControlPressed(0, keybindControl) then
                    -- Init UI
                    showMenu = true
                        type = 'init',
                        data = menuConfig.data,
                        resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()

                    -- Set cursor position and set focus
                    SetCursorLocation(0.5, 0.5)
                    SetNuiFocus(true, true)

                    -- Play sound
                    PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV", "HUD_AMMO_SHOP_SOUNDSET", 1)

                    -- Prevent menu from showing again until key is released
                    while showMenu == true do Citizen.Wait(100) end
                    while IsControlPressed(0, keybindControl) do Citizen.Wait(100) end

RegisterCommand("submenu1", function(source, args, rawCommand)
    -- Wait for next frame just to be safe

    -- Init UI and set focus
    showMenu = true
        type = 'init',
        data = subMenuConfigs["submenu1"].data,
        resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)
end, false)

RegisterCommand("submenu2", function(source, args, rawCommand)
    -- Wait for next frame just to be safe

    -- Init UI and set focus
    showMenu = true
        type = 'init',
        data = subMenuConfigs["submenu2"].data,
        resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)
end, false)

RegisterCommand("submenu3", function(source, args, rawCommand)
    -- Wait for next frame just to be safe

    -- Init UI and set focus
    showMenu = true
        type = 'init',
        data = subMenuConfigs["submenu3"].data,
        resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)
end, false)

RegisterCommand("submenu4", function(source, args, rawCommand)
    -- Wait for next frame just to be safe

    -- Init UI and set focus
    showMenu = true
        type = 'init',
        data = subMenuConfigs["submenu4"].data,
        resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)
end, false)

RegisterCommand("submenu5", function(source, args, rawCommand)
    -- Wait for next frame just to be safe

    -- Init UI and set focus
    showMenu = true
        type = 'init',
        data = subMenuConfigs["submenu5"].data,
        resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)
end, false)

-- Callback function for closing menu
RegisterNUICallback('closemenu', function(data, cb)
    -- Clear focus and destroy UI
    showMenu = false
    SetNuiFocus(false, false)
        type = 'destroy'

    -- Play sound
    PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV", "HUD_AMMO_SHOP_SOUNDSET", 1)

    -- Send ACK to callback function

-- Callback function for when a slice is clicked, execute command
RegisterNUICallback('sliceclicked', function(data, cb)
    -- Clear focus and destroy UI
    showMenu = false
    SetNuiFocus(false, false)
        type = 'destroy'

    -- Play sound
    PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV", "HUD_AMMO_SHOP_SOUNDSET", 1)

    -- Run command

    -- Send ACK to callback function


-- Menu configuration, array of menus to display
menuConfigs = {
    ['menu'] = {
        enableMenu = function()
            return true
        data = {
            keybind = "F6",
            style = {
                sizePx = 600,
                slices = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.60 },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 }
                titles = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
                icons = {
                    width = 64,
                    height = 64
            wheels = {
                    navAngle = 270,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.25,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.55,
                    labels = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"},
                    commands = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"}

-- Submenu configuration
subMenuConfigs = {
    ['submenu1'] = {
        data = {
            keybind = "F6",
            style = {
                sizePx = 600,
                slices = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.60 },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 }
                titles = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
                icons = {
                    width = 64,
                    height = 64
            wheels = {
                    navAngle = 270,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.25,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.55,
                    labels = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"},
                    commands = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"}
                    navAngle = 270,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.6,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.9,
                    labels = {"submenu1_a", "submenu1_b", "submenu1_c", "submenu1_d", "submenu1_e"},
                    commands = {"submenu1_a", "submenu1_b", "submenu1_c", "submenu1_d", "submenu1_e"}
    ['submenu2'] = {
        data = {
            keybind = "F6",
            style = {
                sizePx = 600,
                slices = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.60 },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 }
                titles = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
                icons = {
                    width = 64,
                    height = 64
            wheels = {
                    navAngle = 270,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.25,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.55,
                    labels = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"},
                    commands = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"}
                    navAngle = 288,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.6,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.9,
                    labels = {"submenu2_a", "submenu2_b", "submenu2_c", "submenu2_d", "submenu2_e", "submenu2_f", "submenu2_g", "submenu2_h", "submenu2_i", "submenu2_j"},
                    commands = {"submenu2_a", "submenu2_b", "submenu2_c", "submenu2_d", "submenu2_e", "submenu2_f", "submenu2_g", "submenu2_h", "submenu2_i", "submenu2_j"}
    ['submenu3'] = {
        data = {
            keybind = "F6",
            style = {
                sizePx = 600,
                slices = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.60 },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 }
                titles = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
                icons = {
                    width = 64,
                    height = 64
            wheels = {
                    navAngle = 270,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.25,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.55,
                    labels = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"},
                    commands = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"}
                    navAngle = 288,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.6,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.9,
                    labels = {"submenu3_a", "submenu3_b", "submenu3_c", "submenu3_d", "submenu3_e", "submenu3_f", "submenu3_g", "submenu3_h", "submenu3_i", "submenu3_j"},
                    commands = {"submenu3_a", "submenu3_b", "submenu3_c", "submenu3_d", "submenu3_e", "submenu3_f", "submenu3_g", "submenu3_h", "submenu3_i", "submenu3_j"}
    ['submenu4'] = {
        data = {
            keybind = "F6",
            style = {
                sizePx = 600,
                slices = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.60 },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 }
                titles = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
                icons = {
                    width = 64,
                    height = 64
            wheels = {
                    navAngle = 270,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.25,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.55,
                    labels = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"},
                    commands = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"}
                    navAngle = 288,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.6,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.9,
                    labels = {"submenu4_a", "submenu4_b", "submenu4_c", "submenu4_d", "submenu4_e", "submenu4_f", "submenu4_g", "submenu4_h", "submenu4_i", "submenu4_j"},
                    commands = {"submenu4_a", "submenu4_b", "submenu4_c", "submenu4_d", "submenu4_e", "submenu4_f", "submenu4_g", "submenu4_h", "submenu4_i", "submenu4_j"}
    ['submenu5'] = {
        data = {
            keybind = "F6",
            style = {
                sizePx = 600,
                slices = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.60 },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 3, ['opacity'] = 0.80 }
                titles = {
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
                icons = {
                    width = 64,
                    height = 64
            wheels = {
                    navAngle = 270,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.25,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.55,
                    labels = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"},
                    commands = {"submenu1", "submenu2", "submenu3", "submenu4", "submenu5"}
                    navAngle = 288,
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.6,
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.9,
                    labels = {"submenu5_a", "submenu5_b", "submenu5_c", "submenu5_d", "submenu5_e", "submenu5_f", "submenu5_g", "submenu5_h", "submenu5_i", "submenu5_j"},
                    commands = {"submenu5_a", "submenu5_b", "submenu5_c", "submenu5_d", "submenu5_e", "submenu5_f", "submenu5_g", "submenu5_h", "submenu5_i", "submenu5_j"}

Can you give us the screenshot? thanks

someone can tell me how i can make command to back :smiley: i mean back to main menu + use phone

hello would it be possible to do the same thing with / drag [id] / cuff [id]

A cool feature would be if the player could pick his own fav animations. Like a chat command /emotemenu (emote number, emote, emotename) or something in that order and then have a personal wheel for the Individual player

1 Like

Continuing the discussion from [Release] RadialMenu - Configurable menu for chat commands using Wheelnav.js (UPDATED):

hello i got error when i add submenu and not working the vehicle menu
can you fix it?