[Release] RadialMenu - Configurable menu for chat commands using Wheelnav.js

You have to create "Save"option in the menu.

Hey, Quick question how do i put a logo in the middle of the radial

I Know the ESX Framework is known for throwing that message in the chat. You will have to edit the chat resource you are using for ESX if you are using it, I can’t really tell from the screenshot, I’m not sure if VRP throws those messages but I know ESX does.

I fixed it , it was problem with rpchat

Hi, i did the copy or clone of radialmenu to radialmenu2, i’m trying to put /mask commands in F2 but the radial menu did not spawn i mean only the mouse is showing…

it keep me showin errors in console:

933047] nui://radialmenu2/html/wheelnav.min.js:1, Uncaught ReferenceError: Raphael is not defined
[ 933063]
[ 933125] nui://radialmenu2/html/menu.html:107, Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘removeWheel’ of undefined.

Anyone can help me? the config file https://pastebin.com/uvk3qkxD

You just don’t have any resources that supports /e commands
For emotions ther is:

for car you need to make it yourself
This can help you:

This scripts is GREAT!!!

What is the sound type of the weapon wheel ?
And where can i play a sound on hover ?

i have the same problem !

Why did you cloned it anyway ?
You can simple add more wheels to the config.

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I did it but it did not work, I had the same problem.
You have made it work?

You have two copies of the same menu bound to the same key, remove one of them.

Can someone send me version when looks like that ?

, i really like to try make nicer look :smiley:

yes please love that

You can find the code is in the original reply

i did copy and paste ur code but now the menu wont pop up just the mouse please help.

Loving it !


can you please help to get mine to work

can you please help to get mine to work

If you only copy and paste you will never learn my friend.

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i have tried everything
i have got the icons i get the mouse pointer but no menu