[Release] Quickly merge vehicle .meta files

After adding a few vehicles I already got bored of the tedious work involved so I assembled this script within two hours or so. It merges your existing .meta files with new ones you want to add. But because it was quickly made, it’s quite user unfriendly but it works for me and if it helps anyone else then that’s great.


  • Always make a backup of the files that already work before doing anything.

  • You can put this .exe in the assets folder, but I strongly recommend having it in a seperate folder and then moving the merged files manually afterwards.

  • Script creates a _trunk folder. This is where you put the files-to-be-merged. These files inside the _trunk folder WILL get deleted by the program without warning.

  • USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! You have been warned.


  • Put .exe inside a folder of your choice
  • (Optional) Put the vehicles, handling, carvariations and carcols .meta files that you already have and want to merge in the same folder as the .exe
  • Start .exe
  • Move or copy vehicles, handling, carvariations and/or carcols .meta files that you want to merge into the _trunk folder. You can repeat this step for as many vehicles that you want.
  • Close the program to save changes to your main .meta files.


  • Doesn’t merge sirens as I haven’t needed to add these myself. But you can easily just edit the .meta afterwards and just put it in manually.

  • Does not take care of translation as this isn’t really important for my little playground server. But maybe I will add this later on.


Executables: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=00910564664346440615 (sitescan) (filescan)
Executables: See post #4 below by Jake.ryan
Source: https://gitlab.com/MsQuerade/VehicleMetaMerge/tree/master

Doesn’t work?

Ensure you have the latest Visual C++ Redist.


Good work, this is helping me a lot.
Thank you!!!

Thanks for this, I’ll give it a try since playing with models is pretty straight forward (except when having more than 200 custom models XD), but metafiles is an other ting…

Having a local Git repo is the only way to reduce the risks of losing a stable version.

I’ll give a feedback when I’m done playing with this :wink:

Anyway i can get the exe for this???

VehicleMetaMerge.exe (44.5 KB)
Here is the exe


how did you down load it and work. i cant seem to find the .exe file

I posted it above [20 Char]

Doesnt work, and I have the latest Visual Studio :frowning: Gotta do it manually


I need the link to the vehiclemetamerge

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Link is dead :confused:
Can you reupload it?

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merger.zip (22.3 KB)


i used this and idk what i done wrong but i crash everytime i try to spawn the cars

the merger.exe wont start it sais msvcp140.dll not found and then it sais vcruntime140.ldll not found pls help me

Already tells you

i installed the latest version but it sais the same errors

Merging works great, but I lose all customizable parts and mods for the car. Only turbo is available. What am I missing?

When i use it, one of the vehicles get this error

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you have to merge the sirens manually

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After i made all this, if i want to add new vehicles i have to do it manually?

It’s because he replace the ModKitName by an “index” base.