[Release] prnk_hideintrunk [NO MORE AVAILABLE]

Good thinking. Let me know when you push an update! :smiley:


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Found an error. Since Alt+Q (or W in my case) is disabled, exiting the vehicle doesn’t work.

Adding this below your new code fixed it:

	   			EnableControlAction(0, 19, true) --- LAlt		
	   			EnableControlAction(0, 32, true) --- W 

for most of you it will be Q which would be 44 not 32

Also if you wish to allow the player to use his/her inventory add this

	   			EnableControlAction(0, 289, true) --- F2	
	   			EnableControlAction(0, 27, true) --- Up			
	   			EnableControlAction(0, 173, true) --- Down		
	   			EnableControlAction(0, 18, true) --- Enter

and finally

	   			EnableControlAction(0, 289, true) --- V

add that last part if you want to allow the ability to switch cameras while in the trunk

Also for OP, could you possibly work on making it so when you leave the trunk of the car, you appear behind the vehicle instead of inside it? That’s my only complaint. Overall fantastic script. ty

I’m using IsDisabledControlJustPressed, it should override that.
Other things implemented… i didnt mind enabling F2 for myself because we have universal ESX menu with more things, including animations, but thats not common.

Yes, it’s planned.
Also i’d like to find a way to attach entity to vehicle bone of trunk, but i spent many hours on it and im still not able to do it… it would solve so many problems with adjustment

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OK, i know its crazy, but theres another update, adding more checks and disabling ability to be invisible if vehicle is gone.


That’d be cool too. But for now it is fine how it is. Just need to move the player a bit when he exits.

Hello thanks for this script but when i try it i am only and i press Alt + G and nothing happend

because its ALT + Q

Check if entity is a vehicle, cleared help, no more riding on peds!
Github commit

When I enter the trunk my player is unable to go invisible with the latest update. Everyone can see the player in the trunk blocking them from pressing SPACE. Also commenting out line 62 and 66 make the player go invisible upon entrance of the trunk but when the vehicle reaches high speeds it ejects the player. - Also driving in reverse seems to kick the player in trunk immediately.

I seem to have fixed all my bugs except for needing to restart the resource once a new players joins the city. (otherwise they wont be auto invisible). After joining the city then restarting the script it works perfectly and is no longer tossing the playing when losing track of the vehicle.

restart problem was fixed long time ago, look at actual version on github.

Maybe something on my end was conflicting cause latest version does the same result for me.

FiveM family waiting new updates…

If you make it when someone kidnap someone he can put him in trunk. I mean like so other people will allow to put the players in trunk and all controls be disabled when someone put another guy in trunk.
If i know how to edit script i will do it but i kind of new to development world.
Or you press ALT+Q you force the player to get in. Or like when you press ALT+Q you can hide in trunk. Explain more about it. But nice script you got. 20 char.

When you think you will release a new update.

FiveM family waiting new updates…

Love the concept of the script but I personally just don’t like how I have to do the combination a few times can be kind of awkward in the middle of an RP situation to try and get in the trunk and not being able to.

UPDATE 0.2.3:

  • ability to force people in (implementation example in GitHub readme)
  • 60% chance of locking people in (when forced in)
  • Command /hideintrunk

Pressing space to go invisible has never worked for me. Am I missing something?

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