[Release] Priority Cooldown

Priority Cooldown

V 0.2 | V 0.3 Available By @LanceGood (https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-priority-cooldown/72856/35)

This is a script that allows server to put a cool down on priority's (Shots fired, bank robberies etc.) It includes:

– Priority cooldown (In minutes)
– Priority on hold
– Priority in progress
– Clearly displayed text at top of screen

I originally made this for the server I am in but I am releasing it after it has been requested here:

How to use the resource

Commands can be seen below:

/priority - Starts a priority cooldown

/inprogress - States that there is a priority in progress

/onhold - States that there is a priority on hold

/resetpcd- Cancels a priority timer

How to change the timer?

You can change it in "server.lua" on line 46. Change it to one more than the number you want. (eg if you want 20 minutes make it 21)

Known Bugs

None! And hopefully it stays that way.


And finally, the download. You can download it here: cooldown.rar (1.4 KB)

V 0.2 Released: cooldownv02.rar (1.5 KB)

Thanks a lot to @Briglair for all his help.

Please leave any questions, bugs etc below.

Got some screenshots/previews?

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Sure, will add some in like 2 minutes.

This is awsome…how would i be able to move the text to the very top of the screen and a little to right?




Line 47 of client.lua . 0.40 is across and 0.10 is down.

awesome script…thanks for releasing

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Thank you, no problem.

Releasing v 0.2 when I get back with some basic config stuff.

V 0.2 Released

Basic configuration. (Found in server.lua)

would it be possible to whitelist these commands by any chance please

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I will get around to using ace permissions probably.


thanks for the quick reply

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Maybe have a way to remove the text from the screen when not needed?


Dude yes!! Thank you , I been waiting for this ever since you told me you had it ready.

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Does this come off your screen at some point?

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That is gonna be a negative.

Add that asap pls, other than that, mint script

is there a easy way to make it so it is a timer the counts down untill server restart? can i put timer on like 120 min and it starts to countdown on server start? or do i have to use /priority to make the timer start?

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Another great and simple release @Scott_UK I might have to look into making a /911 command disable itself when a cooldown is in effect.

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