[Release] Pillbox Hospital by Jobscraft

How do I wipe the server side cache?

Delete the cache folder in your fxservers folder.

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Is that risky?

Def. not, it is recommended to due this everytime you put in a new resource.
I go through ZAP hosting and they have an option to automaticaly clear cache when the server starts

so I have the doors added and what not but as you can see the main doors are still there and locked.
Any help?

Read this.

More specifically, the part about ‘put x in your IPL script.’

I too use Zap Hosting. Where is this option? I’ve added like 400 resources (lol) and never cleared the cache.

If you havent found it yet its in settings

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Thanks for the reply, i figured it out
I had the requests and remove ipl in my ipl script (IplLoader) and then i had to put removeipl in my bob74 ipl script.

Still getting this error. :confused: Happens randomly when around Pillbox.

Did you remove the brackets around [PillboxHospital]?

no need to be rude.

Was I being rude? Sorry if you felt that way, I was honestly speaking.

This looks amazing, i look forward to trying it out!

To be something so simple its kicking my butt! I got it streamed but i have door issues i removed the default call to rcb12 default but i got two sets of doors…

EDIT NVM i got it i had to remove the PhillBoxHospitaldoor.ymap from the stream

The Door is No Delete
Help Please

Iv used this on my server now for a while and its alot of people who crashes when close to the hospital and iv gotten many complaints about it. many of us have cleared our cache and still crash

I use NYKILLAD version. Never crashes

In the comments :stuck_out_tongue: