[RELEASE] [Non-ELS] 2018 Dodge Charger

credits for parts used?

it’s in there

Hey, mind if i take this car and make it into a fire department vehicle? Skin and everything and release it. Ill give you full credit of course.

@Aethen_games just scroll up


how to download


there is a download link :roll_eyes:

What is this car spawn code???

Whenever I go to download the non-ems version it says that there was a error, did the download link go bad?

Yea the download is not working.

Did the vehicle have a good handling like real? my question is how much kmh can the car drive

Does this car have a handling file, love the model, i created a skin for mine but its badly needing a handling file and i cant get any to work

hi, link dead :confused: