[Release] My version of es_robberies [updated]

Can you send a screenshot?

I cant get the money

How do i change the reward to dirt money? (I have the dirty money item created with vrp)

Im having a problem where the timer stops at about 10 seconds when robbing a bank, it says the player gets the money, but no money is given. Im running an ESX server and I get this error in my console that says:

ā€œERROR: There seems to be an issue while adding money, a different type then number was trying to be added.ā€

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

hello, i install the script and do everything how i think you are meant to do it (probably wrong) but then when i connect to the server, there is no icon for the banks, and there is no option to rob it, the only thing that shows on the map is ATMā€™s not banks, anyone know why? thanks in advance

I get the same error. I am using esx

Does anyone have more coordinates for es_bank? Iā€™m looking to add at least the Fleeca on Route 68 by Harmony.

not sure if this helps anyone

change for both bank and shopsā€¦

i get money but when i change to dirty it donā€™t give, so i left to just getting money oh well
i tried all different ways but didnā€™t give dirty money donā€™t know yā€¦

update on y only gives money but change to dirty money wont give?

Hi, im just wondering why i dont get my monies when i rob a bank or a store, it says it in the chat but i dont get any cash, or money in the bank or dirty cash.
Im just wondering how i can fix this. Also this comes up when in done with the robbery

i tried to rob bank and store but they end suddenly without an money? is there a fix for this?

What should i do if i complete this robbery and this only says on news Roberry done, you received: 150000, but i dont received it?

Oh it started working i get 150000 money, but idk why it not giving dirty money? What should i do?

How did you made it compatible with the money stuff?

Has anyone got a copy that will deposit ESX money? I just canā€™t figure out how to get past xPlayer being a nil value.

Everything works,except i dont get the money,any reason why?

To add a DrawMarker alert to a specific point, let the player know.

Anyway we can get the stores to be random amounts of money. I have tried next to reward. reward = math.random (700, 7000) problem is I cant get to tell me the correct number i robbed in the chat. Thanks in advance.

after robbing a bank or a store I donā€™t get the money. I get this error Untitled5

how do i make it so there has to be 5 police on to rob a bank