[Release] Model Blacklist v1.1

Best Blacklist script

Have you gotten the vehicles side of this script to work?

This is for every Weapons recieved from Veichles.

Hello can i quest you what is that ped name? Or how to remove all peds here.

Thank you

nothing i type gets blacklisted, can someone fix this issue?carblacklist.lua (1.6 KB)

Suppose too be 1 word and all caps. Example: RHINO, TANK, OPPRESSOR, OPPRESSOR2

For people that still have problems,and don’t really read comments, @murfasa posted a fix,this is an example,

carblacklist = {







as you can see,add commas at the end to all,except the last one>
and as you can see, capital letters don’t really make a difference.

is there anyway i can setup to where admins / moderators can have blacklisted cars? or

Yes, you need to put a coma after each model name for each line, except the last model

Hope this helps

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-- CONFIG --

-- Blacklisted vehicle models
carblacklist = {

-- CODE --

	while true do

		playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		if playerPed then
			checkCar(GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false))

			x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true))
			for _, blacklistedCar in pairs(carblacklist) do
				checkCar(GetClosestVehicle(x, y, z, 100.0, GetHashKey(blacklistedCar), 70))

function checkCar(car)
	if car then
		carModel = GetEntityModel(car)
		carName = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(carModel)

		if isCarBlacklisted(carModel) then
			sendForbiddenMessage("This vehicle is blacklisted!")

function isCarBlacklisted(model)
	for _, blacklistedCar in pairs(carblacklist) do
		if model == GetHashKey(blacklistedCar) then
			return true

	return false
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thats the same with me, can someone help please?

can someone help with the blacklist of guns?

– Blacklisted weapons
weaponblacklist = {
“WEAPON_pistol mk2”,

How about props i would need them too bcz theres always modder who likes to put ramps everywhere?

is it possible to let admins spawn in the blacklisted vehicles?

I get this in my server. Whats the issue?1

Did you find a fix for this? @M4T4T0

The script needs to be optimized, the reason your getting that warning is because it’s unoptimized and therefor having a toll on your server performance.

i can not get this to work what am i doing wrong

What would be the best way? Could anyone DM me an updated optimized version please? :pleading_face:

If I have time I’ll try to optimize it and I’ll send you an updated version.

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