[Release] Loadingscreen Sleeford

Can´t find where i remove the “los santos city RP” text on the background. You said index but what rows?

in /js/index.js

Line 6, modify var banner.

Thank you, last question. Am i able to change the music volume? Example “audioVolume” : “X.XX”
Had it in my last loading screen

There’s no volume control that I can find in the code. To lower the volume of the music I wanted played, I had to modify the volume in the clip and upload it to Youtube then link to that video.

How do I change the Server Icon on the loading screen its just the FiveM logo

Do you mean the GTA 5 logo? I don’t see a FiveM logo anywhere.

Ya sorry meant to say GTA

css/style.css line 107

Make sure your replacement image is square or it will show up distorted.

Thanks (20 characters)

where do i change the background audio?

The song can be changed by changing the Youtube URL found in index.html.

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I can not change the background-image

Line 14 of /css/style.css:

  background-image: url("http://site.tld/loadingscreen.jpg");
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donde debo subir la imagen para que funcione?

Where should I upload the image to work?

You can upload it absolutely anywhere that’s publicly accessible. This could be an image host like imgur if you don’t have a web site of your own. You just need a URL to the actual image.

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must end in .jpg does not work

I don’t know what you mean. It’s using css to display the image, so any image format that the browser can view should work.

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I can not put music to help me? does not play me

Did you change the YouTube URL in index.html and is it set to autoplay?

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