[RELEASE] kickForRestart

Well, unfortunately I have now the same problem…

I guess it is because of the last update. I would like to fix it now, but my server needs a brake… So I will fix it in the evening.

Again, thanks for supporting! :slight_smile:

No problem, this is a great features and save alot of trouble with people loosing stuff on reboot :slight_smile: I will wait for your update :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good day

Ok, So I figured it out a little bit.
The thing is that I lost somewhere a resource which is needed… but I have no idea what it was. Maybe it is cron, not sure, but you can try it out :slight_smile:

more Burgers!!! :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger:

ok it is not cron :frowning:


The problem is that it is not able to select the source in
DropPlayer(source, ‘sentence’)
It is not returning anything

But if you make something like :

		RegisterCommand("kickall", function()
			AddEventHandler("kickall", function()
			_source = source
				local grupos = getIdentity(source)
			if grupos.group ~= 'user' then
				DropPlayer(_source, 'Toutes les situations de RôlePlay se sont terminées automatiquement. Votre progrès a été enregistré. Reason: Server restart')
			    return nil

It will succesfully kick you because it found it

Hmm, yeah that should work, but I think it should be exactly like that in the download File…
Hmm Update will get released today :slight_smile:

Alright I will check it out when you push it, but the code i gave only kick you and nobody else

hmmm ok thanks for mention it.

New Update for ESX-version:

  • solved a bug for some people that can’t execute the /kickall command, thanks to @RyuShin <3

  • added a /closeconnect command, so new people will not be able to connect to your server and will see a message in your server info



Future Updates

  • Update for non- esx version with add_ace permissions
  • a completely new script thanks to @Syntasu , some hearts for you! <3 <3 <3 <3
  • many bug fixes

Known Bugs

  • the new version could be clientside for the monent

let me know more bugs into the comments, I will try to fix the ‘clientside’ problem very soon. But I have no one to test it :frowning_face:

take a :hamburger:

Update can be downloaded from above!

Update look great, but the command /kickall for esx_version only kick me and nobody else

yeah, need to wait for my buddy, because I can’t test it when I am alone.
you could try this:
clear the
_source = source line and
clear the source from getIdentity after _source line.
If this works I am actually a king, because I can’t test it without somebody xDDDD

I tryed the non-esx version and it work like a charm, will keep this one for the moment :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah I will update this of course soon with add_ace permissions :slight_smile:

News for the next Update

  • I will delete the esx - version and will focus on the non - esx version
  • all functions of esx will be added to non esx.
  • add_ace permissions will be added
  • kick message will be optimized
  • random features looool

Release should be on monday. If you want to use the esx version, than you need to know that I will NOT support any ERRORS on this ressource. You need to have a basic knowledge for this!

Update 2.4

  • added changeable configs
  • added add_ace permissions
  • added a reconnect- kick function
  • optimized the reconnect- kick function with a kick reason
  • added a no permissions message
  • added a /checkperms command (checks if you have permissions or not)

If you’ve found some bugs or errors, than post them below.

if someone could test if /beginrestart now works server side, please write below so I know it.

thanks and take a :hamburger: :wink:

Tried it and it only kicked me.

hmm, wait I’ll check that, but you can use the old version. This will work.

still only kick me

Alright, I fix that today, promised!

And sorry for the problems with the client side, but there is no native for kicking everyone, so I need to make something like afk kick, but without time before kick, Update comes today! :wink:

If you yes exactly you can’t wait for this update, download the old Version! This works definately! :smiley:
Take a :hamburger:

Update 2.6

  • added french to the resource
  • fixed the clientside problem, finally @RyuShin @Fleshy
  • changed the locales into ‘server.lua’ where you can change it in the very top.

Update Version 2.6.1

  • changed some comments in code
  • added a no permissions message for each language
  • fixed broken link

have fun with it! :hamburger:

get it here

I did /beginrestart and it kicked me only… with the new version 2.6.1