[Release] K9 Script [REMOVED]

Any updates on your new k9 script? Really looking forward to it!

Unfortunately no. I have been working on some other things that has just been using up my time as well as life.

Alright, no problem!

How do you change the key bindings to what ever u want them to be


Hey, i have an issue here. We can get the K9 Script to work all fine and dandy but the second you put in multiple hexs for other players it breaks. Do you know any way of fixing this? If so it would be much appreciated.

It would require me to go look at it. I started working on a new one but I just cant find the time anymore to work on these things.

Appreciate the fast response. Take your time mate. we will try to figure it out lol

Not sure if this will help buts heres the error message when more than one hex is in

Can you show me your config file with multiple people added.

Sorry max got offline but heres our config file !

config.lua (1.2 KB)

also get this Error parsing script @k9/config.lua in resource k9: @k9/config.lua:8: ‘}’ expected (to close ‘{’ at line 6) near ‘“steam:110000137597fa5”’

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The error isnt on my side. The error is on your guys end. You didnt add the comma when adding the second steam id.

got you we are just stupid thanks for the help

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Did you need warmenu?

huh? This resource doesn’t use WarMenu…

Amazing script! I know it is silly but you should add either in the config or on here that you need a comma after adding each identifier. I was stuck trying to figure that out for awhile, haha.

I expect people who use resources know how the basics of how the language the resource uses works and in a situation like that it tells you whats wrong when the script errors out.

anyone have an edited version which is controller friendly?