[Release] K9 Script [REMOVED]

I’m sure it could be integrated but I have been really busy with personal projects, work, and my pc has been down for 3 weeks. I just haven’t had the time to look into it.

I’d be more than happy to assist in adding this feature if you can dedicate some time. Hit me up on discord to talk about this offline… https://discord.gg/BDX66d

I don’t really have a PC to code on since it cant run GTA to test anything. I also just don’t do well coding with others as others have their way to code and I have mine.

So the controls do not work on my server but it loads fine…

this script are so good , but i have a problem i am under n3mtv is the civilians and the policeman have the same models i believe “mp_m_freemode_01” so civilians can spawn the dog do you know how i could arrange it? sorry for my english i’m french

Do you have WarMenu installed properly.

Unfortunately my script uses model to blacklist for now but I am sure I could add in a blacklist for VRP if needed.

wheres the file to change the hotkey to enable the menu cause it interferes with my PTTPoliceRadio. I want to change it to right alt. neither files show the option.

cl_k9.lua in the citizen.createthread

-- Key Toggling
if IsControlPressed(1, 19) and IsControlJustPressed(1,20) then -- LEFTALT + Z

That line is not in my scripts…

NVM I found it. Do you know the key for right alt?

No. Check the wiki to see if you can find the integer for that key.


Theres a problem when you turn dog into godmode. When you turn godmode on and someone shoots or kicks you dog enough he starts walking off and nothing can call him back. So you respawn him and he disappears for a second then comes back with a duplicated dog. one works and 1’s glitched.

Thank you for the report.

anytime. Love the mod though. I was having my dog attack my mates. haha funniest shit.

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Nice to see its working. Thanks for using it!

I know that I have so many other things in the works I just cant do them all. So I am thinking of starting a discord group where everyone can work on community scripts together to release on the forums or to get help with something. idk. Just a thought I guess. :smiley:

Getting this error: http://prntscr.com/hx05lh

uhm. not sure why you would be getting that? Did you mess with my version.lua file?

I’ve seen that before. i don’t remember how I fixed it. It was a missing syntax in the configs from a typo. make sure you didnt have typos.

My IDE would show me if I forgot a syntax. I haven’t changed anything since that update so not sure why a syntax would be messed up. hm. Idk may have done something stupid. XD