[Release] Jobs System v2.1 and Paycheck v2.1

I’m trying to do that, when I see the answers of somebody, who can not send a script on a database, for the inventory system they’re not near.

So I would see

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Your program has been very used but how do we when choosing a craft that certain icons appear. For example, I chose a minor and I would like to know where the harvest and resale are

The resource only serves to change the work of a person for now I am on other resources, the updates will come after.

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Contacte moi en privée on discutera en vocale

Contact me in private will discuss in vocal

Can you create a job with the Inventory system ? Thank you

ce ts ts12.verygames.net:50962

Hey awesome work on the GUI very simple and easy works great but just a small hickup ive tryed to move the GUI X-Y but it will not change position for some reason? where do u change Pos for the GUI. Thanks really good job @PandaBasketteur

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In French

J’ai un problème, en gros je rentre le job.sql dans mon phpmyadmin et il me dise ça:

#1215 - Impossible d’ajouter des contraintes d’index externe

j’ai chercher la solution sur phpmyadmin/support etc… mais sans trouvé la réponse.

In English

I tried, basically I enter the job.sql in my phpmyadmin and it says to me:

1215 - Unable to add external index constraints

I found the solution on phpmyadmin / support etc … but without finding the answer.

Hi, can make option to actived only paycheck to 10min or only paycheck for job plz

I have a message error for exécute jobs.sql :

helps me please

I have a message error execute job.sql :

help me please ! xD

First, no French. Please write in English here.
Then your error JulienxD17 is simple. You don’t create the sys.users table (have you follow instructions for each requirement, it seems you forget to initialize database for essentialmode ? Chank also if it is sys database)

For you last error, try to drop all your database and retry, it should be more simple I think

Hello all,

Thanks for your script.

I do not have the confirmation message above the mini map :confused:

I have a message error when exécute job.sql: Screenshot

and message in game :

help me please

Is it possible to add a model when the player change the job ? ex :
When the player change the job, he change the model too ?

Hello Panda, I love your work (I’m french) and I want to know if you are avaible to join a french project maybe ? Can we speak about it in skype ? Add me: ruskiesamp or my discord id is: @STEVEN.#6167


Hello, sorry I already work for myself

is it possible to add model player on your job system ? like the loadout ?

Posts containing all french will be deleted. One and only warning.

How i can get the current jobs in your script please ?