[Release] IRL jail time jailer - esx_jb_realtimejailer

well just change positions client line 75 to 97…

delte tablename where jailer = identifier
not that difficult :thinking:

Yes that is to put them there that works.

but if you are inside and you try to walk you will be set back and that Teleportation needs to be removed if that is possible?

change distance in server sided

TriggerClientEvent(“esx_jb_jailer:JailInStation”, source,result[1].cellule, 2, result[1].timeleft)

the twe stands for distance for federaljail it is 80

Just Made an update for easy distance configuration!

ok so jailing was being weird throwing alot of mysql errors i manage to fix those. but for some reason when i jail someone it does not put them into any different clothing so… is that part broke or

Oh wait i il fix it. IT because i do use another system for clothes. I ll fix it as soon as possible

this has been fixed :slight_smile:

all good thanks. just to let u know when jailing someone it throw alot of errors mysql wise. so i fixed those by setting some of the tables to null. because the script was throwing the erroes saying that it could not overwrite those tables so if i jailed someone and it set a time than i tryd to unjail them it would error saying it could not edit that table and that table could not be empty. so i allowed null and than it could write to the table to basically make the time blank so the next person who jailed that player it would fill the time in

kind of confusing sorry



this is what i had to do to make it go into the database correctly if i wanted to jail someone than ever jail them again or remove it without it erroring out. it would remove them from the jail but on server rejoin it would throw them back in because it never fully edited the DB it threw a error

you cannot do that because j_time is the whole point of the script. like yiou can see here

it pute date in a correct format to insert it into your database

i can show you the error it gives if i use it from your default script and show you. and when you remove someone from jail honestly dosent need the date to be input again just cleard out because u only need a date there if there serving time im not sure if anyone else has experience the same issue i do have to get to sleep now but tmrow i will put in the base script unedited and record what i am doing to get the result to show u and if its not working you can make edits if you need to.

edit. i do appreciate the work. its nice made script. only trying to help.

like i said up here just do a delete from jail were identifier = …

updated the script again :stuck_out_tongue:

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i apply your update and this is what i got


print ou the things from the callback

ok i can try. this happens when i join the server btw

i need to be able to unjail is that possible?

Yes in the menu you can unjail

how about making it so you can use this to jail for minutes instead of hours

you can … if you read the script there is a 6060 --> means 60secs60minutes=1hour if you want to make minutes well just do 60 … as easy as that

you mean here ?