[Release] Inventory System v2.1 (Personal Menu)

I have an error can you help me pls ?

2017-06-03 18:22:07.7176|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Error executing event handler for event item:getItems in resource vdk_inventory: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7176|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke(Object obj,BindingFlags invokeAttr,Binder binder,Object[] parameters,CultureInfo culture)
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7176|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj,Object[] parameters)
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7176|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7176|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.MulticastDelegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7176|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7184|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] CitizenMP.Server.Resources.ScriptEnvironment.TriggerEvent(String eventName,String argsSerialized,Int32 source)
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7184|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Inner exception: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7184|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] MySql.Data.MySqlClient.NativeDriver.Open()
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7184|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Open()
2017-06-03 18:22:07.7184|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Driver.Create(MySqlConnectionStringBuilder settings)

Take a screensot of your entire error

Hey since the new update i didn’t see where to link the ressource to my database so i guess my error is that but can you help me ?

Did you install MySQL Async ?

yes, i installed it and in the line of the error, I put before, i can see that it didn’t load MySqlConnector.dll that comes from mysql-async.

Here is the solution :

thanks a lot man, it works ! You’re the best :smiley:

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Can you add screen please?

What is this error?

Can you add compatibility with food hud (for eat and drink) pls :slight_smile:

No because I use my own ““food hud”” but if you change the eat and drink functions I think you can make it compatible

When do you have this error ?

can you at least release your own version of the food hud u have plz?

Yes i have do it but with old version it xas work but with new version doesn’t work. Or can you give me your food hud ? Thanks for your help.

As soon as I arrive on the server in the f8

says to put db info on config.lua but there is no file included in your package named that ?

Hello friend, can you tell me what’s the difference between the functions : “itemsell” and “itemsellb” ? So “sell” and “sellb”

Sorry, that was for my old version, now the database config is made in MySQLAsync script :wink:

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Where do you fins thes functions ?

AddEventHandler(“player:sellbItem”, function(item, price)
item = tonumber(item)
if (ITEMS[item].quantity > 0) then
sell({ item, price })

AddEventHandler(“player:sellItem”, function(item, price)
item = tonumber(item)
if (ITEMS[item].quantity > 0) then
sell({ item, price })

In vdkinv