[Release] Heli Script

That’s cause the Swift does not have a spotlight.

oh but i had a replace heli in there that does

Is there any way to have it work with 2 hellis at the same time? Like the polmav and the supervolito2 or do i have to copy this script and just change the name on it and change the chopper? How do i do?

Edit IsPlayerInPolmav to check an array of models, like:

function IsPlayerInPolmav()
	local lPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(lPed)
        local vehlist = {"polmav", "some_other_heli", "whatever_you_want"}
        for i=1,#vehlist do
              if IsVehicleModel(vehicle, vehlist[i]) then
                     return true
        return false

Can you just fix it and send it to me? :relaxed:

How to make the rope infinite? To jump with rope from the sky to the ground.

Not possible, there is a maximum length in the game that cannot be changed.


can we move the spotlight?

best rp release ever, i’m using it to rp all day, i don’t have a life anymore because of this


hey man everyone on my server enjoys this script, would you be able to make the spotlight movable please

Not sure what you mean but if you download the modified version then you can move the spotlight circle.

It is moveable…

how do i move it
what i mean is while flying the pilot can control where the spotlight aims because during pursuits its hard to keep the light on the car without moving the heli

You turn on the camera then press g, and the light moves with the camera, press space bar to lock on to the car then the camera and light will move with the car…

which line do I need to comment out to remove just the FLIR?

awesome script! but every time i use controller and press RB it turns the spotlight on (not in helicam mode) how do i go about rebinding it?

The video doesn’t work :confused:

Thanks, should be fixed :slight_smile:

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Now worries, happy to let you know bro :slight_smile:

Disable the controller by adding GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) in line 76 of heli_client.lua, just replace your line with this one or add what i added, it will disable the controller keybind:

if IsControlJustPressed(0, toggle_spotlight) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and GetPedInVehicleSeat(heli, -1) == lPed and not helicam then