[delete] Having 2 jobs

Will this release soon? Atleast for a test…

Will ve an eye on it…we ve this system, will see how you script that =) GreetZ

Any progress on releasing that?
Seems very good and interesting.

I agree with you @Cheleber you are a hero! :joy: :mascot:

I need help i have no error when i add job2 and job_grade2 but now i can not post both job on esx_extended hud

Could you tell me if I should put it as his?

es_extended/client/main.lua L41

local jobTpl = {'<div>{{job_label}}</div>'  -- - {{grade_label}}
 local job2Tpl = {'<div>{{job2_label}}</div>'  -- - {{grade2_label}}
 if xPlayer.job.grade_label == '' then
   jobTpl = '<div>{{job_label}}</div>'
 if xPlayer.job.grade2_label == '' then
   job2Tpl = '<div>{{job2_label}}</div>'

 ESX.UI.HUD.RegisterElement('job', #xPlayer.accounts, 0, jobTpl, {
   job_label   = '',
   --grade_label = '',
 ESX.UI.HUD.RegisterElement('job2', #xPlayer.accounts, 0, job2Tpl, {
   job2_label   = '',
   --grade2_label = '',

 ESX.UI.HUD.UpdateElement('job', {
   job_label   = xPlayer.job.label,
   --grade_label = xPlayer.job.grade_label,

 ESX.UI.HUD.UpdateElement('job2', {
   job2_label   = xPlayer.job2.label,
   --grade2_label = xPlayer.job.grade2_label,

My character wont load in, anyone got any tips?

Any update status here to use two jobs like cop and fisher?

Where is URL for download this mod

Alright, thank you. I’ll continue later tonight and hopefully i’ve fixed it.

Where can i download this ?

I hope so for release :wink: go one dude, don’t sleep, reallife forget…done? xD

Hi guy ! when will you give us the double job! it’s too good as a script!

Honestly think it died and they don’t intend on releasing it. i could be wrong but neither of the people developing on it have replied to the topic in months

It’s a shame to make such a big hype for nothing to give us in the end ;(

Hello is the project dead? I am myself trying to modify the extented extent and I would need some clarification. hoping to have a complaint from you. Good continuation

Hi @Tomtom do you share your resource or will you only keep it for yourself?

Thank you!

hello @Tomtom om would I be able to share your police resource job to have an example of car development I managed a developer double jobs but I’m not example for jobs

I thank you in advance


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if you were able to make a double job system yourself without his code then no need to ask permission. but if you use parts of his code you give him credit. but if its 80%+ his code then you need to ask.