[Release] Handcuff and Handsup scripts

The /cuff doesn’t work… Can I get some help?

It does if installed correctly. I would suggest reinstalling it.

If there’s any server or console errors post them here and it will be fixed…

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how could i create script to use key “G” to cuff someone? little help?

It sounds like you need more than a little help… Especially since the script is simple?

im newbie in LUA scripts. i’ve added one script for that but it isn’t working. sorry for my language. I will be greatfull for giving me advise where to start with the code

i created this:

local Keys = {
[“G”] = 47,


PLAYER.SET_PLAYER_handcuff(player, true)

elseif action == ‘handcuff’ then

TriggerServerEvent(‘esx_policejob:handcuff’, GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))


and thats it… i dont know what to do with it or what next

I’ll probably just convert this one. Also… of course that isn’t working there is so much wrong with it…

could you help me what to do?

It will take me longer to help you fix that than for me to just rewrite this one.

what do you mean rewrite this one? mine? or you give me your formula

I’m not gonna give you anything. I am rewriting the resource you commented on. THIS TOPICS CODE. My original resource

thank you… i will back soon and see

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how about that:

local Keys = {
[“ESC”] = 322, [“F1”] = 288, [“F2”] = 289, [“F3”] = 170, [“F5”] = 166, [“F6”] = 167, [“F7”] = 168, [“F8”] = 169, [“F9”] = 56, [“F10”] = 57,
["~"] = 243, [“1”] = 157, [“2”] = 158, [“3”] = 160, [“4”] = 164, [“5”] = 165, [“6”] = 159, [“7”] = 161, [“8”] = 162, [“9”] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, [“BACKSPACE”] = 177,
[“TAB”] = 37, [“Q”] = 44, [“W”] = 32, [“E”] = 38, [“R”] = 45, [“T”] = 245, [“Y”] = 246, [“U”] = 303, [“P”] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, [“ENTER”] = 18,
[“CAPS”] = 137, [“A”] = 34, [“S”] = 8, [“D”] = 9, [“F”] = 23, [“G”] = 47, [“H”] = 74, [“K”] = 311, [“L”] = 182,
[“LEFTSHIFT”] = 21, [“Z”] = 20, [“X”] = 73, [“C”] = 26, [“V”] = 0, [“B”] = 29, [“N”] = 249, [“M”] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81,
[“LEFTCTRL”] = 36, [“LEFTALT”] = 19, [“SPACE”] = 22, [“RIGHTCTRL”] = 70,
[“HOME”] = 213, [“PAGEUP”] = 10, [“PAGEDOWN”] = 11, [“DELETE”] = 178,
[“LEFT”] = 174, [“RIGHT”] = 175, [“TOP”] = 27, [“DOWN”] = 173,
[“NENTER”] = 201, [“N4”] = 108, [“N5”] = 60, [“N6”] = 107, [“N+”] = 96, [“N-”] = 97, [“N7”] = 117, [“N8”] = 61, [“N9”] = 118

local PlayerData = {}
local HasAlreadyEnteredMarker = false
local LastStation = nil
local LastPart = nil
local LastPartNum = nil
local LastEntity = nil
local CurrentAction = nil
local CurrentActionMsg = ‘’
local CurrentActionData = {}
local IsHandcuffed = false
local HandcuffTimer = {}
local DragStatus = {}
DragStatus.IsDragged = false
local hasAlreadyJoined = false
local blipsCops = {}
local isDead = false
local CurrentTask = {}
local playerInService = false

ESX = nil

'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'police_actions',
	title    = 'Police',
	align    = 'top-left',
	elements = {
		{label = _U('citizen_interaction'),	value = 'citizen_interaction'},
		{label = _U('vehicle_interaction'),	value = 'vehicle_interaction'},
		{label = _U('object_spawner'),		value = 'object_spawner'}
}, function(data, menu)

	if data.current.value == 'citizen_interaction' then
		local elements = {
			{label = _U('id_card'),			value = 'identity_card'},
			{label = _U('search'),			value = 'body_search'},
			{label = _U('handcuff'),		value = 'handcuff'},
			{label = _U('drag'),			value = 'drag'},
			{label = _U('put_in_vehicle'),	value = 'put_in_vehicle'},
			{label = _U('out_the_vehicle'),	value = 'out_the_vehicle'},
			{label = _U('fine'),			value = 'fine'},
			{label = _U('unpaid_bills'),	value = 'unpaid_bills'}
		if Config.EnableLicenses then
			table.insert(elements, { label = _U('license_check'), value = 'license' })
		'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'citizen_interaction',
			title    = _U('citizen_interaction'),
			align    = 'top-left',
			elements = elements
		}, function(data2, menu2)
			local closestPlayer, closestDistance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()
			if closestPlayer ~= -1 and closestDistance <= 3.0 then
			if IsControlJustPressed(0, 47) then
			TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))


its not returning any errors but still not working

I will not help you with ESX. Also stop using the keys table

thank you very much… i’ve managed with that and finished work

How can I make handcuffs that can be used by the keybind?

I’m not gonna take you to a step by step on how to do it.

@xander1998 So I did this on my test server and it worked, put it on my main server and its not working, only thing I can think of something else is outdated, does this script depends on essentialmode or es_extended etc?

No. It doesn’t depend on anything.

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Got it, thanks for this amazing script.

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C]: in function ‘error’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: in field ‘CreateThreadNow’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:174: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:138
this from /cuff