[RELEASE] guidehud - Loading Screen / In-Game Menu

That is the only thing that stops me using this resource (that said I might use it anyway.)

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Pretty decent from the looks of it. Defiantly will try it out later


if you want to rename the resource without it breaking go into the js and look for guidehud and replace it with your new resource name. Although you should refrain from renaming it out of respect for the developer.

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turn on the game and turn it off and the game is frozen and not moving because of the mouse


Iā€™m sorry? It sounds like you may be experiencing the same issue as Centurion_Warriors, please refrain from renaming the resource.

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Great resource! Keep up the good work, I hope for more good scripts. :heart_eyes:


Excellent work and great contribution. Had a lot of fun working with this so far. I have an issue i cant solve though. I wish to change the key to bring up the HUD while in game to F11 but cant seem to find the code anywhere for this @Skordy


I couldnā€™t change the name of the resource I could open and got a mouse pointer so I couldnā€™t do anything when I turned off the panel

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Thanks! Regarding the issue, the hotkey in config currently only sets what shows on the screen, the actual hotkey is set in the client.lua file. I will look into making the key in config control both in the future.

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I can edit the lua file no problem. just wondering what the string or variable to change this to F11 would be?

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It sounds like you modified something. Try downloading a fresh copy and trying again.

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if IsControlJustPressed(1, 289) then


if IsControlJustPressed(1, 344) then

in client.lua

For future reference, other control ā€œnumbersā€ can be found here - https://docs.fivem.net/game-references/controls/

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Is it possible to change it to a text command like info.

So yes how thanks in advance.

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While technically possible, I likely wonā€™t add that functionality.


Not rushing you just curious, any progress with the YouTube api? Itā€™s cool if not, just wondering whether to start implementing it myself.

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Sorry for disturbing you, does this guidehud include the music player from the loadingscreen :smiley: ?

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This is great work! Love this!


This looks great! Definitely going to give this a shot. Thanks!


Currently working on this. Taking a bit longer because Iā€™m making a custom player to go along with it. So far, I was able to get the multi-video system working, once the player is finished, I will update this. Should probably be done by end of day today.

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Not sure what you mean by this, itā€™s essentially the same as all the other loading screens. An update will be coming soon allowing people to choose YouTube videos for the music.

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