[Release][FXServer][ES5] CarWash

Thank you TheSpartaPT :slight_smile:

Can u make this plugin for ESX? would be great!

thereā€™s no need for an esx version since the my script works with esx, but if you really want an esx version for some reason click here ā€¦

Im new to this but can anyone modify this and turn it into a repair shop?

Do you have one where you could make it so it doesnt run off of anything? So it doesnt need esx or vrp or essential mode?

@Daveyentim1 the need for the vrp or essential comes from the fact that they have money systems integrated within them, Iā€™m not going to make my own money system, that would be stupid, you want a bank that works for everything, not a bank per job, shop, etc .

@Daveyentim1 if you need something custom you can dm me, it wonā€™t cost you anything because it will probably be simple enough ā€¦

new version 1.6 fixes for people that use it standalone (without EssentialMode)

you are now able to run the script without EssentialMode as long as the variable ā€œenablepriceā€ is equal to ā€œfalseā€

1.6.1 out

new carwash location added (at sandy shores)

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Check your git. I sent a pull request with some nice little pNotify changes :slight_smile:

iā€™ll take a look at it in a sec, busy right now :wink:

Just wanted to show you what I was talking about that I did to this script.

And yes, there are the same style replies for not having enough money and for free car washes.

Looking at the picture, I seen a spelling error. I corrected it.

If anyone wants this version, you can get it from my github. All credit for the script obviously belongs to @TheSparta . Itā€™s a great, simple little script. Iā€™m sure my edits can also be copied over to the vRP version.

My edits require
pNotify to be installed.

Get it here:
github link

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@Chip_W_Gaming sorry for not taking a look at your pull request yet, Iā€™ve been busy porting ā€œeden_animalā€ from esx to vrp for the server Iā€™m currently developing for (which I think I finished) and the esx_alphone but that last one is already ported and working ā€¦

Is the eden stuff yours or are you just porting? And best of luck with that alphone. Iā€™m not a scripter, but I can usually make things do what I want. Iā€™m about to give up on making all the features of that phone work properly LOL

The esx_alphone I gave up trying to Port it, and made my own phone based on that one for vrp, where the options to call and do stuff like that are on the vrp phone menu, and the eden_animal isnā€™t mine and I already ported it to vrp, still not implemented ā€¦, The server Iā€™m doing it for is the ā€œPortugal RP NEVYā€ you wonā€™t understand basically anything because it is pretty much all translated to Portuguese

LOL, that alphone job actions button, I just changed to basically open F6 rather than have it try to do all the fancy police things that donā€™t work. A lot simpler than trying to fix the script.

is it possible to remove the green ring?

Very well done, and it works smoothly, but I wonder if the text message can be repositioned. Because now itā€™s overlapping whit the car hud and itā€™s a bit annoying. It would be great if the message Press [ENTER] to wash your vehicle appears in the upper left corner, or some other place.

For new ESX change your server.lua to this:

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj)ESX = obj end)

AddEventHandler('es_carwash:checkmoney', function()
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	local ammount = xPlayer.getAccount('bank').money
	local price = 100
	local enableprice = false  -- true = carwash is paid, false = carwash is free, you may edit this to your liking. if "enableprice = false" ignore this one
	if enableprice == true then
		if ammount >= price then
			xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('bank', price)
			TriggerClientEvent('es_carwash:success', source, price)
			TriggerClientEvent('rookie4dexp:addexp', source, 10)
			local moneyleft = price - ammount
			TriggerClientEvent('es_carwash:notenoughmoney', source, moneyleft)
		TriggerClientEvent('es_carwash:free', source)
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How do i change the blip name cuz i dont see the original no where?