[Release] FRFuel [v1.7.0]

Please help, I cannot see the fuel bar, it is just not there. It is there for everyone else who is on the server I just cant see it. I have reinstalled fivem and gta and neither has fixed it

Did you disable hud preference in the pause menu?

How can i modify frfuel to a percentage and not a yellow bar ?

Hello, I did not.

You change the colors in the config.ini file. This is what I use for GREEN for FULL & RED for EMPTY

> FuelBarNormalColor="#31a100"
> FuelBarWarningColor="#dd0000"

Is this why certain people can not see it? I had that issue on my server as well but it was only a select few. I will see if having them reset their HUD preferences on the pause menu is the fix. Thank you.

If someone has their HUD preference turned off in Pause Menu > Settings > Display > HUD preference, then the fuel bar will be hidden yes. Also if the car is turned off, but that’s an optional config option iirc.

I mean not a bar but just a figure with a percentage.

You would have to customize that your self or use another fuel script that shows percentage instead of the bar. Personally, the bar is much cleaner and looks more built in then just a random %XX on the screen.

I Keep getting this bug, I’ve tried changing the poolsize it’s Decorator, but still it tells me to raise it up.

GlobalError: <> Pool Full, Size == 1500 (you need to raise <> PoolSize in common/data/gameconfig.xml)
[ 539719] InvokeNative: execution failed: Error executing native 0x211ab1dd8d0f363a at address 0x1415f7948.

[ 539735] Failed to run a tick for FRFuel: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.

[ 539735] at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR (System.Int32 errorCode) [0x0000a] in :0

[ 539735] at CitizenFX.Core.InternalManager+DirectScriptHost.InvokeNative (System.IntPtr context) [0x00018] in C:\gl\builds\edf06b9b\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\InternalManager.cs:450

[ 539735] at CitizenFX.Core.ScriptContext.InvokeInternal (System.UInt64 nativeIdentifier, CitizenFX.Core.IScriptHost scriptHost) [0x00014] in C:\gl\builds\edf06b9b\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\ScriptContext.cs:277

[ 539750] at CitizenFX.Core.ScriptContext.Invoke (System.UInt64 nativeIdentifier, CitizenFX.Core.IScriptHost scriptHost) [0x00000] in C:\gl\builds\edf06b9b\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\ScriptContext.cs:266

[ 539750] at CitizenFX.Core.Native.Function.InvokeInternal (CitizenFX.Core.Native.Hash nativeHash, System.Type returnType, CitizenFX.Core.Native.InputArgument[] args) [0x00026] in C:\gl\builds\edf06b9b\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\Native.cs:27

[ 539750] at CitizenFX.Core.Native.Function.Call (CitizenFX.Core.Native.Hash hash, CitizenFX.Core.Native.InputArgument[] arguments) [0x00000] in C:\gl\builds\edf06b9b\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\Native.cs:16

[ 539766] at FRFuel.EntityDecoration.Set (CitizenFX.Core.Entity entity, System.String propertyName, System.Single floatValue) [0x0002e] in <1c12280d21104b2aa443c8d8b96b20e6>:0

[ 539766] at FRFuel.EntityDecoration.SetDecor (CitizenFX.Core.Entity ent, System.String propertyName, System.Single value) [0x00000] in <1c12280d21104b2aa443c8d8b96b20e6>:0

[ 539766] at FRFuel.FRFuel.VehicleSetFuelLevel (CitizenFX.Core.Vehicle vehicle, System.Single fuelLevel) [0x00016] in <1c12280d21104b2aa443c8d8b96b20e6>:0

[ 539782] at FRFuel.FRFuel.ConsumeFuel (CitizenFX.Core.Vehicle vehicle) [0x00171] in <1c12280d21104b2aa443c8d8b96b20e6>:0

[ 539782] at FRFuel.FRFuel+d__53.MoveNext () [0x00080] in <1c12280d21104b2aa443c8d8b96b20e6>:0

This is caused by some client (or poorly optimized server) script, apparently manual transmission mods and similar cause these kind of issues.

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Yeah, i’ll check if it’s the Manual Transmission. I’ll update if it is or different client script.
Edit: Yeah, it’s the Manual Transmission, already contacted ikt about this issue.

Several members on different setups are exp this same issue. It seems to have started via a recent fivem update (as I had a very old fuel script at the time and have since updated to 1.3, then 1.6 and finally 1.7 but the issue continues). They are fine until they entire a vehicle. The warning happens first and is followed by the pool crash. Again different users but same situation/errors. Any thoughts?



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Same issue has been addressed here: https://github.com/TomGrobbe/vMenu/issues/162#issuecomment-476337206

it can’t be fixed by these resources, it was an issue with some client mods.

I can’t seem to toggle off the engine outside of the gas stations - I tried “L” on the keyboard and nothing happens.

This mod only allows you to toggle off engine on the gas station.

Okay thanks!

Im a total noob, ive spent 2 days trying to figure out how to make a cusotm ui bar, cant seem to find any tutorials anywhere… would you be able to create/link me to how to turn the fuel:xx into a bar format similar to frfuel but in a different location, personally id like the fuel bar to run in a portrait view to the hud map on the right hand side, bottom of the bar being empty (top being full), any help or suggestions would be awesome! :slight_smile:

is there a way to make it so people have to purchase the fuel instead of it being for free?

Please read the F.A.Q. section of OP.

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