[Release] FRFuel [v1.7.0]

Just make a command to start the engine untill its fixed.

SetVehicleEngineOn(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1)), true, true, true)

Or use [Release] Vehicle Controls GUI v2

I will try your answer. Is it possible without compile FrFuel script ? I don’t know, with a Citizen.Thread on the vehicule.

Sometimes it works and sometimes it don’t,But if I get out of the car after gasing up and getting back in the car starts up.

Hotfix has been released, fixing current issue of not starting engine after turning it off. Also check “Known issues” section, it has been updated.


There seems to be a pretty massive issue with the latest version, if any vehicle runs out of fuel it allows you to continue driving, even exiting the vehicle and getting back in doesn’t change this.

We’re not getting any errors.


Temp fix for vehicle keep running even w/o fuel has been released.

Thanks for this.

About the config file, if CreatePickups si set to false, does it also disable manual refuelling ?
I wish I can burn someone’s car with fuel again… XD

That fixed it for me. One request - when running low on fuel would it be possible to change it to the engine cutting in and out rather than putting the vehicle into a slow state and in reverse?


Yes this should be a thing! Engine cutting would be so much more legit. If you are able to this would be appreicated :slight_smile:

@thers @iridium Big issue with hybrid cars like the Voltic, the fuel gauge is empty, the car engine wont start and the driver Ped is acting crazy… Please fix this.

(No Vehicle Control script running)

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FrFuel still not working.

Fuel bar dissapear sometimes

the only issue people on my server are having is when we go o gas station, press e to turn off engine, hold space to fill tank, we cant press e again to start engine, it stays off and i have to use a trainer to start it??? Any fix??

It should be working just fine with the latest version (1.0.3) if it’s not there’re probably another mod interferring.

The latest version of FRFuel for me makes this not work anymore:

local enginetoggled = false
function ToggleEngine()
        if IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
            local veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)
            if not enginetoggled then
                SetVehicleUndriveable(veh, true)
                enginetoggled = true
                SetVehicleUndriveable(veh, false)
                enginetoggled = false

Any idea why?

same for me, functions SetVehicleUndriveable and SetVehicleEngineOn Not working since last update :confused:

functions works only when we are in stations.

Yes, and it will be like this until the next 5M update as current behavior that breaks your stuff is a workaround, which will be removed.

You can read more in the “Known issues” point 2 and here: https://github.com/thers/FRFuel/issues/9#issuecomment-311116241

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This script causes my enginetoggle to stop working. Anyway I can get my enginetoggle script to work with this fuel script or is there a replacement option?

No problem, i’m waiting for this update, hoping that everything goes better.

FRfuel remains disabled, it’s the only script that causes a disturbance in resources (stop and start vehicles).

I advise you to temporarily disable FRfuel while waiting for the FiveM patch.
The problem provide from FRfuel (and FiveM) but basic functions have not been affected (SetVehicleUndriveable and SetVehicleEngineOn ) .

Good luck (see you at the next Patch/update) :wink: