[RELEASE] FiveM Crackdown game mode and mission generator/creation [BETA]

Thanks for the reply and update to the script! Yeah I was going to make a place you visit to start the mission instead. I saw ExtraTimeToWaitToStartNextMission when looking through the files i’ll increase that. cheers.

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hello. i just added the mod and it looks great but when i want to start a mission i put in the chat /mission warfare but the mission wont start at all. please help

use ‘/list’
That will tell you the mission item name and its title. Like “Mission3: Warfare” etc…
Use the item name, not the title, like so: “/mission Mission3” to start a mission

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i will try to see if that works thank you !

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it work. Thank you very much. I have another question. When i finish the mission the money that i earn disappears why is that ?

do you see the money on the scoreboard? That would be arrow key up or dpad up. the default fivem scoreboard might be overlapping.

Also, what do you mean by disappear?

i mean like when i finish the mission the money shows in the up right corner when in the next second it shows $0

OK, thats because when it is not using ESX it is doing native money, but ignore that, native money is not really working. The money (score) gets tracked for the session when you look at the scoreboard. You may need to disable the vanilla Fivem server scoreboard though, which my scoreboard is meant to replace.

i just figure that out, not i am able to keep the money. Lol this is my first time messing with a fivem server and adding mods. thank you so much for the help

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Updated to 2.9.8n:
mrp-missions-2.9.8n.zip (193.0 KB)

Added a ‘hostile ambient ped’ setting (Config.HostileAmbientPeds), which when set to 1 or 2 arms and makes all the ambient peds hostile to the players during missions. Its sort of like a ‘riot’ mode, except the peds are more focused on the players. When set to 1 there will be minimal infighting, when set to 2 there will be some more infighting, but eitherway the player peds are targeted primarily. Setting it to 3 makes it more like a true ‘riot’ mode where virtually all the ambient peds will fight themselves as well.

Peds are armed mostly with melee weapons and pistols, but can have smgs, assault rifles, rpgs etc…

On foot ped weapons are configured via Config.RandomHostileZoneWeapons
Vehicle ped weapons are configured via Config.RandomHostileZoneVehicleWeapons

Vehicle peds will have a 1 in 2 chance of staying in the vehicle to do drive bys if they have a weapon they can do drive bys with, else they will get out to fight.

This has been tested in MP as well, and seems to work fine. I wanted to do hostile zones around missions where peds suddenly get violent, but it did not work like I wanted, until I changed global group relationships, which means it will be global instead. Hostile peds should be turned off or on, with a restart of the resource, and cannot be done per mission. But their weapons can be changed per mission. Credits to uranium who provided a simple way to do this on the thread Peds attack players, which I partly used.

Its recommended to play this with Crackdown mode (Config.SafeHouseCrackDownMode = true) enabled or some other buff like setting Config.DefaultPlayerMaxHealthAmount to a high amount along with regen on (Config.RegenHealthAndArmour = true).

It gets pretty crazy.

Here is a video and some screenshots during MP testing:

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Another major update. I was finally able to “solve” my problem with spawning NPCs/Vehicles deep inside buildings and underground, like with the Humane Labs and Doomsday Bunker DLC map areas which I mentioned in this topic recently:

I really wanted to utilize these DLC areas for missions from the very start, but was unable to, due to the problem above. The solution was to dynamically spawn peds/vehicles nearby to the players (~30m), which has its own overhead with spawn checking, but is working. When I changed it to 50m, I noticed some ‘phasing out’ (desync?) again, so ~30m seems to be the sweet spot. Reading about this online, I noticed that some GTAO players ( I have never played GTAO to be honest) have noticed similar problems with the same map areas/DLC on GTAO. Not sure if this is related but it interesting, since the doomsday heist bunker has a ton of closets where NPCs come out of which makes me wonder if it is a limitation with the engine perhaps? (more than likely it is probably me doing things differently than R* which is the problem). One thing I noticed that if you spawn a few peds inside, you will not see the problem, but the more peds spawned, the more the problem is noticeable. Which my ‘fix’ takes care of, unless you spawn a very large density of peds.

Updated to 2.9.8q:
mrp-missions-2.9.8q.zip (235.9 KB)

–Supports indoor/underground missions (like Doomsday Heist bunker, Humane Labs etc…) with the IndoorMission=true attribute added to the mission in missions.lua. These have to be regular missions (not random mission generator missions). All peds/vehicles spawned will be done dynamically, unless you give them the attribute outside=true which will have them spawn at mission start.

–NPCs will not blow themselves up anymore, gave them the damage only by players flag.

–Various bug fixes and tweaks

New Mission Pack included with 4 missions, utilizing DLC areas, called ‘Shadow State’. This is my attempt at something approaching ‘proper’ missions. These are very hard and meant to be played with the default resource settings and you will probably need to utilize the safe house vehicles as well. Don’t expect to complete them on your first go. They should be complete-able by 1 person, but more people obviously will make it easier.

Shadow State Mission Pack
4 very hard missions utilizing DLC areas. Ambient Peds are hostile to players as well (plot reasons), can be turned off via Config.HostileAmbientPeds = 0
–credits to Hawaii Beach for his ‘fivem-ipl’ resource and Smallo for his doomsday heist IPL and teleportation system. [Dev] Doomsday/Smugglers Run Interiors/Props/IPLs/Teleport

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Minor update to 2.8.9r:
mrp-missions-2.9.8r.zip (236.3 KB)

For the the mission pack missions.lua, I added Config.TeleportToSafeHouseOnMissionStart = true
which will also allow any players stranded on the aircraft carrier to reconvene at the start of the next mission.

Updated to 2.9.8s:
mrp-missions-2.9.8s.zip (237.8 KB)

–Added a 5th mission to SHADOW STATE mission pack, included in the archive above.
–Added 2 new settings Config.RandomizePassengerWeapons = true and Config.RandomMissionBikeQuadBoatWeapons. The first setting is used for any mission (random or regular) and when turned on will use drive by weapons from the Config.RandomMissionVehicleWeapons array for any passengers, rather than inheriting the driver’s weapon. The second setting will override Config.RandomMissionVehicleWeapons to allow for weapons like the compact rifle, sweeper shotgun and compact launcher to be given to npcs on quads, bikes, bicycles and boats, which are not usable in other vehicles.
–Added IndoorsMissionStrongSpawnCheck = true --Used with IndoorMissions=true. It does raytracing on players within 300m of the ped/vehicle spawn location, to make sure the dynamically spawning NPC/Vehicle doesnt just appear out of nowhere in front of a player. if any player is in the line of sight it will not spawn. Sometimes you may not want this on. I used this in Mission5 of the SHADOW STATE mission pack.
–Added tweaks to the SHADOW STATE missions, like removing the useless avenger safe house vehicle in the missions, etc…

Updated the mission config guide as well with the latest new settings added: https://ghostbin.com/paste/hedbu

Screenshot from SHADOW STATE Mission5:

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a relatively minor update to 2.9.8t:
mrp-missions-2.9.8t.zip (238.2 KB)

–in crackdown mode (which is on by default) fast swim works properly now.
–Added a new setting Config.RandomHostileZoneBikeQuadBoatVehicleWeapons for when hostile ambient peds are turned on, which will override Config.RandomHostileZoneVehicleWeapons for bikes, bicycles, quads and boats. this allows the ambient peds in those vehicles to be able to drive bys with the compact rifle, sweeper shotgun and compact grenade launcher.

love the update, but i cant seem to get the mission to add the money into esx, and not native
ive set all UseESX=true

Hi hallberd,
Thank you.
I’m looping in @sixsens to help since he basically helped me add the code to support ESX, since I do not use ESX when I play. He has it working I believe on his server.

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I found the issue, it was adding the money to an unregistered “cash” account.
this should add the money the esx default “bank account”
also: load mrp-missions after es_extended

Server.lua line 38

--ESX Support
local UseESX=true
if UseESX then
	TriggerEvent("esx:getSharedObject", function(obj)
	ESX = obj


	local _source = source
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
	-- xPlayer.addMoney(totalmoney) -- adds to "cash"
	xPlayer.addAccountMoney('bank', totalmoney)

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it work with money account not cash account…
and its obvious to start it after es extended.

Good to ear that you fix your problem.

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Preview of the next update.

-Hostage rescue now takes some time to secure, like objectives. New mission type as well called ‘HostageRescue’ and is supported by regular missions and randomly generated missions. The object is to rescue all hostages before any of them die, else it is mission failure.
-Support for multiple objectives now.
-New markers for hostages, objectives and specific enemy targets (rather than ‘henchmen’). Enemy targets would be specific targets that would need to be eliminated in ‘Assassinate’ type missions, or specific targets for extra reward in any other mission. Markers are optional and can be turned off or on as per other features. Old circle markers for objectives are still used and supported as well.
-Many new enhancements, bug fixes and tweaks. New Mission6 added to the SHADOW STATE mission pack.

‘IsDefend’ missions have some extra graphical guides as well.