[Release] Firescript v1.0 Alpha

It’s a bummer about the limit. I don’t know off the top of my head but I wonder if there’s something we can put in the script that keeps tally on the amount of times the command has been used and after the second one, it automatically restarts itself. Again, I have no idea if restarting a script from within itself is even possible but I’m just dreaming haha.

Is there a way to change the F7 key to another??

Got it, thanks, working now…

Hey guys,
i tried this script in my server but the fire is too big and i change the "chanceforspread’’ to 0 and the “spawnrandomfirechance” to 10 and also we set the “spawnrandomfires” to false but the fire is everytime to big
so hopefully one of you can help us with this problem

greetz, Jelle

It’s a great script, but could you clear up the code? It’s messy…


It’s not clear what all functions do, it would be easier for people to understand if you would make those more clear.

Just a heads up!

line 462 in client.lua

if IsControlJustPressed(1, 168) then – button f7


Actually I was planning on doing just that europium, but i recently got a job and right now im working 11 hour days so i dont really have the time. I originally did it that way on purpose to deter people from editing it and releasing it anywhere else but once i opened the doors to it i just have not had any time.

You are right in the fact that it is a cluster for sure though.

the fires spam why not change it to be every 20 minutes one random fire spawns cause its spams if you do it per a player and the locations when it spam are all wrong from were you have them set

Download link is broken.

Their whole site is down for me, probably why the download doesn’t work.

Their community might have shut down, or the forgot the renew the domain. Or they simply are doing maintenance on the website.

can you make it so the fire doesn’t dissapear by the time the fire department gets their or make it so the fire dept has to put it out and also can you implement a command toggler for the random fire events

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Yea Im having the same issue

If you guys are having problems downloading, I’ll try my best to get up with Ross, and see if I can get a new download link. The server he had this on was Attacked I think, and I had not realized he hadn’t made a new download link.

download link is working for me:

I noticed when you spawn to many fires that the script disables. Anyway to fix this?


great work and great idea!

But =(
The script doesnt work on my testserver… doesnt spawn fires and also F7 or “/fire” doesnt work for me.
Maybe its not compatible with esx im running?

if thats the reason, any chance to make it compatible?
any other ideas why its not working? im not getting any errorlogs, cmd says that its started…

this script would be a great addition to the esx_FireJob im running…

it glitches whenever too many random fires spawn i have to do /stopfire and then /fire

Its ok for me with esx… The script is independent, it works with esx and the others.

hm… so ive done something wrong. :confused: