[Release] [ESX] [VRP] In-Game Police Radio

is it possible to soften the sound? (the copradio) it is quite hard …

Radio doesn’t work with push to talk settings only work for voice activated we can fix this?

And how to add market radio i try this but if i add radio market get market close(doesnt work)

And i Use vrp
Thanks for helping

Would it be possible to use the same script for other professions and factions?

Example, use for Taxi, Mechanic and etc profession, same thing for factions and gangs, each would have their radio.

I think it’s not possible to map the special mouse button (same as for my push-to-talk) for this, right?

No it isn’t

No it is not

It is not fixable, use voice activation!

Don’t know what you mean by that

Yes go into the client.lua and search for the triggerevent where it is setting the audio file and change the float

At the ESX base, for you to have the police functions, you need to get into service, enabling spawn vehicles and everything. Would it be possible to activate the radio only for those who are in service? Because I realized that the radio is active at all times, disrupting those who do not want to use it at the moment.

I understand, thank you.

I believe he meant that the radio, the player could pick up / listen to the radio only if it is in service, if it is out of service it could not listen to the radio in any way nor use the radio.

If it is Working with jobs like policeoff and policeon change the job to policeon

So to make this work without radio, I just remove this part?

        ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_walkie:getItemAmount', function(quantity)
            if quantity > 0 then

Doesn’t seems to work.

Who told you to remove it?
I said, that if you are working with policeoff and policeon change the job to policeon. If it is Police only let it like this.

I mean, I want it police only but not requiring a radio as an item to use it.

Then you need to remove the triggerservercallback and the if clause where it sais if quantity > 0

Yes I did remove

        ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_walkie:getItemAmount', function(quantity)
            if quantity > 0 then


ESX.RegisterServerCallback(‘esx_walkie:getItemAmount’, function(source, cb, item)
local _source = source
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
local quantity = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item).count



from server main but doesn’t seems to work now.

Also uncommenting TriggerServerEvent(“esx_walkie:playSoundWithinDistanceServer”, 10, “copradiooff”, 1.0) doesn’t seems to be working either.

I’m using voice activation, but it still does not pick up for me, I use VRP these days.

Anyone else with this problem or just myself?

Maybe off subject, but I’m trying to add this to the esx_policejob armoury, i’ve tried it as just laying it in as a ‘weapon’ like the rest but obviously that doesn’t work (I was hoping at best it would). Any pointers in the right direction I would appreciate.

I tried looking at the ambulance pharmacy and trying to pput that across but got lost along the way.

Other than that 10/10 for the radio itself.

Many thanks.