[Release] esx_teleports, easy configurable teleport script, you can specify jobs

Is there a chance to control the heading instead of keeping the one we have when entering the teleport?


Teleport to new co-ordinates are not working , can you please mention how to add custom locations ?

is there away from seting this to steam id instead of job

Is it possible to add more the one job to one teleport?

Something like this -> [‘Job’] = ‘cosanostra, police’,

how to use teleport? what is commands?

I’ve been sitting here for hours trying to use an item instead of a job pls help

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I haven’t even tried to install this script yet, but this would be nice

Can confirm that this works in case anyone else needs to have vehicles teleport with players. Added bonus is that if someone is standing on top of the vehicle they will teleport too xD

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How i can change the size of blip?

Usually it’s under the main.lua file and I believe to edit the size you gotta find “DrawMarker”.

Soo i have an issue when the server is restarted and people with the jobs for the teleport load into the server they cant see it until the script is restarted… is that because it based client side or?

How to change heading

how to change heading?

What about jo2 I have some problems making it work

yo someone can tell how to make marker rotate

Did you figure it out?

Hello. Are there opportunities for teleportation to cost money? I would like you to deduct a certain amount from the player’s cash when teleporting there.
If not, how can this be changed to make this possible?

When you get your coordinates, they will face same direction as your character is looking. Hope it makes sense!

esx_teleports.zip (3.1 KB)

Script with heading option
just added:

[‘h_enter’] = 117.00,|
[‘h_exit’] = 117.00,|

to define enter spot and exit spot heading.