[Release][ESX 1.x] Steam identifier

Hello everyone

This is a Very VERY VEry veRy Simple script, there’s not much to explain!
Resource especially to make user identification easier


  1. Download the github repository
  2. Drop the files in your [resource] folder
  3. Don’t forget add start esx_steamidentifier in your config file
  4. Configure to your liking


Alt text

I don’t know what they mean by giving support, but I guess I’ll be giving it ツ


This is by part the most pointless script I’ve ever seen. You are getting the SteamID from the database with the SteamID. Here let me improve the server.lua for you.

ESX = nil

TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

ESX.RegisterServerCallback('esx_steamid:id', function(source, steam)

I’m not sure, is this scenario about player names? needs a little more explanation

Why is it made for ESX? Seems like it could be used on any type of server.

I was originally going to use the method through the database, but now I will do the 2 versions, [Standalone] with the method provided by @Smallo and [ESX] with sql database, the identity can also be extracted (firstname, lastname, group, etc)

Yeah personally for me I would love for it to log it in a file/db

If it wasn’t ESX and it was just a stand-alone script it would be useful to store the steamids in a database if your trying to make a framework or something idk but I sorta agree

Can be useful

When you sayd ESX, Standalone, Would this work with vRP then? little confused on what you by it.


You can choose the one you want, but if you are not occupying ESX, it is obvious which one you should occupy

Well I mean the esx version is absolutely pointless tbh

Removed “[Standalone]” as both versions require ESX