[Release][ESX Scripts + More]

Well I do have some good news: I found an older (or newer according to the post?) version of your script and it works flawlessly now! Thanks for your help!

Do you happen to have a link to it?

@CFrazzz Could you send me a link to one you found that works???

Iā€™ll have to ask my friend for it as heā€™s the one who found it but yes I will send you the link once I get it, sorry for late reply.

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Hello i need help with vehicleshop https://ctrlv.cz/FNtX

Hmm seem to be having an issue, whenever I store a car to the garage it goes to the impound, and I am not using that car dealer job. Any support?

Hello how can I add the society account only for the boss if itā€™s possible, I have add a line at ui.html file but I donā€™t have configured the account because I donā€™t know that.
Can you help me please !
Sorry for my English.

fivem-ui script : https://github.com/Chubbz123/fivem-ui

Hey, just a fast thing. The ui for the money and stuff. The job setā€™s to police all the time the server restarts. Do someone know how to fix that??


I have a problem. As for other people food and water would always stay up, and you said that they installed esx_status bad. As for me I installed everything correctly but there is new line ā€œTriggerEvent(ā€˜esx_status:onTickā€™, GetStatusData(true))ā€. So my thirst is alright, going up / down, but my hunger is always downā€¦ Any solution?

I have removed ESX Eden Garage, ESX Eden Boat Garage, & ESX Eden Aircraft Garage. I also updated ESX Boat/Aircraft Shop. I have added ESX Truck Shop & ESX Advanced Garages.

Is there any way to have garages with an amount of slots? For exemple, central park: 30 slots, Maze Arena: 60 slots and so on? Also some private garage that you can buy?

Donā€™t you have a script where I can sell items? Like a pawnshop or something like that?

Hey, have you figured it out how to get society money to show?

yes i have the same problem. Can anyone help?

have this problem when buying cars yes everything is up to date re downloaded everything to day

I have been having the same problem. But its been happening way before esx_eden_garage & esx_advancedgarage. Its something to do with custom vehicles.

Itā€™s happening not just with custom but with stock vehicles for me as well. Doesnā€™t matter what garage I use, it seems to be failing to save vehicle settings any longer.

I just did a search Here
It comes with all the scripts doing this. NoCarJack & RealisticVehicleFailure +More

If i knew how to fix the issue with ā€œno script guid for vehicle 0 in SET_VEHICLE_HANDLING_FIELDā€ i would fix it. But canā€™t find out how to fix this. Its pretty harmless tho.

My cars arenā€™t keeping their modifications either though now that Iā€™m getting that error. Is that happening along with your errors?