[Release] [ESX] [Police Job]

As far as I understand, that doesn’t stop other people from finding and using emergency vehicles. What society owned does it allows the boss to maintain the fleet. The department owns X amount of cars, and they have to be returned at the end of shit. Tickets are paid to the society account, which the boss can use to buy arms or more vehicles… Atleast I think that’s how it works

how can I make so people can walk while handcuffed?

Why are some of my cars disappearing from the police garage? I have society vehicles enabled, but when I restart the server, some cars are gone.

When you get into the game and change into police uniform the police blips stop working. we tested this one by one and everytime someone changed into uniform they stopped showing on the map.

Anyway to fix this because its kind of pointless to be in there if thats the way it works.
Also is there any chance of adding a log on and off duty so when officers want to log off and go do drug runs etc they can, they also wont just be earning money from the job while not working.

Is the jailier script included in this? I havent added a jail script, but i’m still able to /jail and put people in jail. I cannot find the coding anywhere and would like to change some things in it.

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need some help with skin changer for our law enforcement uniforms its not allowing us to use all three duty belts that we have we can only get one of the duty belts how do i change that where we can use all three

How do you exactly add cop ped skins in the menu, because when i go into the circle in the changing room and press, nothing happens. Thank you

How do I make it so all my cops are not the same ped. I s there a way to make everyone different?

First, What main. lua does this go in to? Second, Where exactly does this go in the script? I want to keep player peds, but change into the police outfit.

You need to install the SQL file to the Database, ( I think ) :slight_smile:

How do you configure the police job spawner’s vehicle list? I’m only seeing three vehicles in the job list, which I want to replace or rename. :grinning:

When I configure EnableNonFreemodePeds = false I only get the option for civilian clothes. No police outfit option

…why on Earth I can’t get rid of this stupid reflexive jacket? Once it’s on, it can’t be taken down -_- Of course, everything else does.

Anybody have an issue where the search and id dosent work sometimes but the cuff and drag seem to always work?

I’m struggling to add different departments to the database. Everytime I try to add both the SASP and BCSO to the database with all the job grades, I can get into the server and it will show the department and rank in the top right but it won’t let me either unlock doors in the PD or actually go to the armoury or into the locker room…the job is whitelisted in the database too. Any suggestions?

Make sure that you’ve edited your cell lock script, too.

Was that in reply to me? @Original

hello guys, have a small issue! When a player runs over a spikestrips, we are not eable to take it off. Any fix? am i the only one?

Hey guys, so let my explains, i’ve change the esx_policejob like the AuthorizedVehicules = etc etc and so on and when i go to the marker well … it didn’t change the name… I’ve set it up on properly and it doesn’t work… does anyoen has a clue why ? And some thing for the cloakroom, i have set in frend “Tenue civil” " tenue policier" BUT I GET like name “tenue de fonction” 3 times for no reason ?

I need help please…

Locales['fr'] = {
  -- Cloakroom
  ['cloakroom'] = 'vestiaire',
  ['citizen_wear'] = 'tenue Civil',
  ['police_wear'] = 'tenue Policier',
  ['lieutenant_wear'] = 'Swatt outfit ',
  ['open_cloackroom'] = 'Appuyez sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour vous ~b~changer~s~.',
  -- Armory
  ['get_weapon'] = 'prendre Arme',
  ['put_weapon'] = 'déposer Arme',
  ['buy_weapons'] = 'acheter Armes',
  ['armory'] = 'armurerie',
  ['open_armory'] = 'Appuyer sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour accéder à ~b~l\'armurerie~s~.',
  -- Vehicles
  ['vehicle_menu'] = 'véhicule',
  ['vehicle_out'] = 'il y a déja un véhicule de sorti',
  ['vehicle_spawner'] = 'Appuyez sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour sortir un ~b~véhicule~s~.',
  ['store_vehicle'] = 'Appuyez sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour ranger le ~b~véhicule~s~.',
  ['service_max'] = 'Service complet : ',
  -- Action Menu
  ['citizen_interaction'] = 'interaction citoyen',
  ['vehicle_interaction'] = 'interaction véhicule',
  ['object_spawner'] = 'placer objets',

  ['id_card'] = 'carte d\'identité',
  ['search'] = 'fouiller',
  ['handcuff'] = 'menotter / Démenotter',
  ['drag'] = 'escorter',
  ['put_in_vehicle'] = 'mettre dans véhicule',
  ['out_the_vehicle'] = 'sortir du véhicule',
  ['fine'] = 'Amende',
  ['no_players_nearby'] = 'aucun joueur à proximité',

  ['vehicle_info'] = 'infos véhicule',
  ['pick_lock'] = 'crocheter véhicule',
  ['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'véhicule ~g~déverouillé~s~',
  ['no_vehicles_nearby'] = 'aucun véhicule à proximité',
  ['traffic_interaction'] = 'Interaction Voirie',
  ['cone'] = 'plot',
  ['barrier'] = 'barrière',
  ['spikestrips'] = 'herse',
  ['box'] = 'caisse',
  ['cash'] = 'caisse',
  -- ID Card Menu
  ['name'] = 'nom : ',
  ['bac'] = 'alcoolémie : ',
  -- Body Search Menu
  ['confiscate_dirty'] = 'confisquer argent sale : $',
  ['guns_label'] = '--- Armes ---',
  ['confiscate'] = 'confisquer ',
  ['inventory_label'] = '--- Inventaire ---',
  ['confiscate_inv'] = 'confisquer x',

  ['traffic_offense'] = 'code de la route',
  ['minor_offense'] = 'délit mineur',
  ['average_offense'] = 'délit moyen',
  ['major_offense'] = 'délit grave',
  ['fine_total'] = 'amende : ',
  -- Vehicle Info Menu
  ['plate'] = 'N°: ',
  ['owner_unknown'] = 'propriétaire : Inconnu',
  ['owner'] = 'propriétaire : ',
  -- Weapons Menus
  ['get_weapon_menu'] = 'Prendre Arme',
  ['put_weapon_menu'] = 'Déposer Arme',
  ['buy_weapon_menu'] = 'Acheter Armes',
  ['not_enough_money'] = '~r~Vous n\'avez pas assez d\'argent',
  -- Boss Menu
  ['take_company_money'] = 'retirer argent société',
  ['deposit_money'] = 'déposer argent',
  ['amount_of_withdrawal'] = 'montant du retrait',
  ['invalid_amount'] = 'montant invalide',
  ['amount_of_deposit'] = 'montant du dépôt',
  ['open_bossmenu'] = 'Appuyez sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour ouvrir le ~b~menu~s~.',
  ['quantity_invalid'] = 'Quantité invalide',
  ['have_withdrawn'] = 'Vous avez retiré x',
  ['added'] = 'Vous avez ajouté x',
  ['quantity'] = 'Quantité',
  ['inventory'] = 'inventaire',
  ['police_stock'] = 'Police Stock',
  -- Misc
  ['remove_object'] = 'Appuyer sur ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ pour enlever ~b~l\'objet~s~.',
  ['map_blip'] = 'Commissariat',
  -- Notifications
  ['from'] = '~s~ à ~b~',
  ['you_have_confinv'] = 'vous avez confisqué ~y~x',
  ['confinv'] = '~s~ vous a confisqué ~y~x',
  ['you_have_confdm'] = 'vous avez confisqué ~y~$',
  ['confdm'] = '~s~ vous a confisqué ~y~$',
  ['you_have_confweapon'] = 'vous avez confisqué ~y~x1 ',
  ['confweapon'] = '~s~ vous a confisqué ~y~x1 ',
  ['alert_police'] = 'alerte police',
  -- Authorized Vehicles
  ['police'] = 'véhicule de patrouille 1',
  ['police2'] = 'véhicule de patrouille 2',
  ['police3'] = 'véhicule de patrouille 3',
  ['police4'] = 'véhicule civil',
  ['policeb'] = 'moto',
  ['policet'] = 'van de transport',
  -- Tenue
  ['veste_wear'] = 'Mettre gilet par balle',
  ['gilet_wear'] = 'Enlever gilet par balle',
  ['cadet_wear'] = 'Tenue de fonction',
  ['police_wear'] = 'Tenue de fonction',
  ['sergeant_wear'] = 'Tenue de fonction',
  ['lieutenant_wear'] = 'Tenue de fonction',
  ['commandant_wear'] = 'Tenue de fonction',
  ['codedmv'] = 'Retirer le code de la route',
  ['codedrive'] = 'Retirer le permis de voiture',
  ['codedrivebike'] = 'Retirer le permis de moto',
  ['codedrivetruck'] = 'Retirer le permis de camion',
  ['weaponlicense'] = "Retirer le permis d'armes",
  ['dmv'] = 'code de la route',
  ['drive'] = 'permis voiture',
  ['drive_bike'] = 'permis moto',
  ['drive_truck'] = 'permis camion',
  ['weapon'] = "permis d'arme",

Config                            = {}
Config.DrawDistance               = 100.0
Config.MarkerType                 = 0
Config.MarkerSize                 = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0 }
Config.MarkerColor                = { r = 0, g = 155, b = 255 }
Config.EnablePlayerManagement     = true
Config.EnableArmoryManagement     = true
Config.EnableESXIdentity          = true -- only turn this on if you are using esx_identity
Config.EnableNonFreemodePeds      = true -- turn this on if you want custom peds
Config.EnableSocietyOwnedVehicles = false
Config.EnableLicenses             = false
Config.MaxInService               = -1
Config.Locale                     = 'fr'

Config.PoliceStations = {

  LSPD = {

    Blip = {
      Pos     = { x = 425.130, y = -979.558, z = 30.711 },
      Sprite  = 60,
      Display = 4,
      Scale   = 1.0,
      Colour  = 3,

    AuthorizedWeapons = {
      { name = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK',       price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL',     price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG',       price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE',     price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN',      price = 0 },
	  { name = 'WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE',      price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN',          price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT',       price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER', price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_FLAREGUN',         price = 0 },
	  { name = 'WEAPON_BZGAS',            price = 0 },
	  { name = 'WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE',     price = 0 },
      { name = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE',     price = 0 },
	  { name = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL',         price = 0 },
	  { name = 'WEAPON_PISTOL50',         price = 0 },
	  { name = 'WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL',    price = 0 },
	  { name = 'WEAPON_COMBATPDW',        price = 0 },
	  { name = 'GADGET_PARACHUTE',        price = 0 },

    AuthorizedVehicles = {
      { name = 'police',  label = 'Véhicule de patrouille 1' },
      { name = 'police2', label = 'Véhicule de patrouille 2' },
      { name = 'police3', label = 'Véhicule de patrouille 3' },
      { name = 'police4', label = 'Véhicule civil' },
      { name = 'policeb', label = 'Moto' },
      { name = 'policet', label = 'Van de transport' },
      { name = 'riot2',   label = 'bus antiemeute' },
	  { name = 'police5', label = 'police5' },
	  { name = 'police6', label = 'police6' },
	  { name = 'police7', label = 'police7' },
	  { name = 'police8', label = 'police8' },
	AuthorizedownedVehicles = {
	{ name = 'police',  label = 'Véhicule de patrouille 1' },
      { name = 'police2', label = 'Véhicule de patrouille 2' },
      { name = 'police3', label = 'Véhicule de patrouille 3' },
      { name = 'police4', label = 'Véhicule civil' },
      { name = 'policeb', label = 'Moto' },
      { name = 'policet', label = 'Van de transport' },
      { name = 'riot2',   label = 'bus antiemeute' },
	  { name = 'police5', label = 'police5' },
	  { name = 'police6', label = 'police6' },
	  { name = 'police7', label = 'police7' },
	  { name = 'police8', label = 'police8' },

    Cloakrooms = {
      { x = 452.600, y = -993.306, z = 29.750 },

    Armories = {
      { x = 461.9804, y = -981.1077, z = 29.6121 },

    Vehicles = {
        Spawner    = { x = 454.69, y = -1017.4, z = 27.430 },
        SpawnPoint = { x = 438.42, y = -1018.3, z = 27.757 },
        Heading    = 90.0,

    Helicopters = {
        Spawner    = { x = 466.477, y = -982.819, z = 42.691 },
        SpawnPoint = { x = 450.04, y = -981.14, z = 42.691 },
        Heading    = 0.0,

    VehicleDeleters = {
      { x = 462.74, y = -1014.4, z = 27.065 },
      { x = 462.40, y = -1019.7, z = 27.104 },
	  { x = 449.0501, y = -981.3941, z = 42.3648 },

    BossActions = {
      { x = 452.0247, y = -973.1241, z = 29.6992 }



I have an issue with the cloakroom, didnt found anything helpful so i’m asking here…
i have enabled “Config.EnableNonFreemodePeds = true” in the config.lua, because i want to use custom skins I replaced.
When I try to change uniform in the cloakroom, player not change skin and i still have the option of the police uniform Freemode, that load with no problem.
I need to change something in the Job files or i am missing some scripts? (console dont show errors).