[No-Support] [Release] esx_personmeny

Locales[‘sv’] = {
– Individåtgärder
[“citizen_interactions”] = “Individåtgärder”,
[“vehicle_menu”] = “Fordons Meny”,
[“id_card”] = “ID-Kort”,
[“pee”] = “Kissa”,
[“poop”] = “Bajsa”,
[“blindfold”] = “Av/På ögonbindel”,
[“nobody_near”] = “Inga människor i närheten”,
– ID Meny
[“check_id”] = “Kolla på ditt legg”,
[“show_id”] = “Visa ditt legg”,
[“id_menu”] = “ID meny”,
– Fordonsmeny
[“engine”] = “Motor”,
[“doors”] = “Dörrar”,
[“window”] = “Fönster”,
[“cruise_control”] = “Fartbegränsare”,
[“shuff”] = “Byt säte”,
[“turned_off_engine”] = “Du stängde av motorn”,
[“turned_on_engine”] = “Du satte på motorn”,
– Dörrar
[“hood”] = “Motorhuv”,
[“trunk”] = “Backlucka”,
[“front_left_door”] = “Vänster främre dörr”,
[“front_right_door”] = “Höger främre dörr”,
[“back_left_door”] = “Vänster backre dörr”,
[“back_right_door”] = “Höger backre dörr”,
[“closed_hood”] = “Du stängde backluckan!”,
[“opened_hood”] = “Du öppnade backluckan!”,
[“closed_door”] = “Du stängde dörren!”,
[“opened_door”] = “Du öppnade dörren!”,
– Fönster meny
[“window_menu”] = “Fönster meny”,
[“front_left_window”] = “Vänster främre fönster”,
[“front_right_window”] = “Höger främre fönster”,
[“back_left_window”] = “Vänster backre fönster”,
[“back_right_window”] = “Höger backre fönster”,
[“opened_window”] = “Du vevade ner fönstret”,
[“closed_wondow”] = “Du vevade upp fönstret”,
– Fartbegränsare
[“disabled”] = “Avaktiverat”,
[“disabled_cruise_control”] = “Du stängde av farthållaren”,
– Seatbelt
[“seatbelt_on”] = “Du tog på dig ditt säkerhetsbälte!”,
[“seatbelt_off”] = “Du tog av dig ditt säkerhetsbälte!”,

[“closed_hood”] = “Du stängde backluckan!”,

hood är ju motorhuv :taco:

Can someone help me with the server.lua. Cant figure it out… Im pretty new to this. I appreciate som help

local ESX = nil
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)

– Open ID card
AddEventHandler(‘jsfour-legitimation:open’, function(ID, targetID)
local identifier = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(ID).identifier
local _source = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(targetID).source

MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT firstname, lastname, dateofbirth, sex, height, lastdigits FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier', {['@identifier'] = identifier},
function (result)
	if (result[1] ~= nil) then
	  playerData = {firstname = result[1].firstname, lastname = result[1].lastname, dateofbirth = result[1].dateofbirth, sex = result[1].sex, height = result[1].height, lastdigits = result[1].lastdigits}
	  TriggerClientEvent('jsfour-legitimation:open', _source, playerData)


remove lastdigits from SQL-queryn i server.lua


you want last digits removed??

MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT firstname, lastname, dateofbirth, sex, height FROM users WHERE identifier = @identifier', {['@identifier'] = identifier},
	function (result)
		if (result[1] ~= nil) then
		  playerData = {firstname = result[1].firstname, lastname = result[1].lastname, dateofbirth = result[1].dateofbirth, sex = result[1].sex, height = result[1].height}
		  TriggerClientEvent('jsfour-legitimation:open', _source, playerData)

Are you still thinking of releasing your skin on the menu?:smiley:

Its on the swedish fivem discord!

I think this is the one https://pastebin.com/aZaC02fP someone posted that above^

Can’t get it to show myself my id… cant find anything wrong either…

You need to have JSFOUR-Register to use the ID!

No, it is jsfour-legitimation

i have all the required modules for using this and its not working

legitimation and register!

Shouldn’t be needed as it is stated above that people have got it working without register and it also is not listed as required

You only need the jsfour-legitimation… Please if you are trying to insult people, do it right and have the facts before.

Is there any known issues with this? Because when i choose check your own id i get nothing

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yea but to get the last digits you need JSFOUR-register!

or you can remove lastdigits from the script

or add the lastdigits into the users table.

You don’t need the whole script haha. Just adding the lastdigits to the users table, which anyone could do without having the jsfour-register script. So NO you don’t need the jsfour-register script AND you can just remov the lastdigits requirement from the server sided code OR add the lastdigits to your users table yourself.

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got it working with the added column, thanks