[Release][ESX][Abandoned] New Reworked Bank Robbery System

Hello I have a problem when I start the robbery it does not end I would have your solution?

the door is open for me before i even start the robbery! i can just walk straight down the stairs…! im a little confused as to were to put that snippet of code to lock the door correctly…?? any help would be great my dude thanks a lot

Both repos updated, update yours resources blowtorch and robbery too, to lock the door you have to config it at esx_doorlock, example here:

-- principal bank
		objName = 'hei_v_ilev_bk_gate2_pris',
		objCoords  = {x = 261.99899291992, y = 221.50576782227, z = 106.68346405029},
		textCoords = {x = 261.99899291992, y = 221.50576782227, z = 107.68346405029},
		authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
		locked = true,
		distance = 12,
		size = 2

the blowtorch was removed but it also said that the robbery was canceled ?

I get stuck this animation with pong anim

Yes if you cancelled or go far away

Ups “pong anim” is a debug line, I forgot remove it :sweat_smile:, update both resource from github, should be fixed and read the important note

Check it at resource

as you have to hack the main gate to get in could you also make it so you have to hack the panal by the vault door and do it so once It opened you can then rob the money

I have all files from resources

I followed the read installation instruction
start esx_doorlock
start esx_blowtorch
start mhacking
start esx_knatusrobberybank

Door stays open before starting hacking and when I’m with blowtorch so theft ends I get stuck in the blowtorch animation

it still opening

here the way to loock the door correctly

objName = ‘hei_v_ilev_bk_gate2_pris’,
objYaw = -112.0,
objCoords = vector3(262.1981, 222.5188, 106.4296),
textCoords = vector3(262.1981, 222.5188, 107.4296),
authorizedJobs = { ‘police’ },
locked = true,

This work with the dedicated job but not after the hacking. i mean the door still close.
Now need a way to open it. i can’t find how

edit : without objYAW, it works but this time when the door is close, it’s not “really” close. the door can’t move but you can pass trouth… i’m lost

here we go, finaly with the coor of knatsu that work fine. Thx for this work dude

objName = ‘hei_v_ilev_bk_gate2_pris’,
objCoords = vector3(261.99899291992, 221.50576782227, 106.68346405029),
textCoords = vector3(261.99899291992, 221.50576782227, 107.68346405029),
authorizedJobs = { ‘police’ },
locked = true


Not working for me, once i put that portion in esx_doorlock i get an error.

– This is exactly what you need to put at the bottom of esx_doorlock,

Remove the last comma at the bottom, the add this.


		objName = 'hei_v_ilev_bk_gate2_pris',
		objCoords = vector3(262.1981, 222.5188, 106.4296),
		textCoords = vector3(262.1981, 222.5188, 107.4296),
		authorizedJobs = { 'police' },
		locked = true,
		distance = 0,
		size = 0

After testing with multiple people ive found that

  • The text from hacking stays on your screen
  • The text from using the blow torch stays on your screen
  • There is no localization in your blowtorch resource (if people are looking as to find what to change while using the blow torch during the robbery)
  • The animation while using the blowtorch lasts about 10 minutes, at all banks while the money and notifications are received right around the 5 minute mark.
    I tried to find it in the script where the timing may have been scuffed, but it didnt look wrong.

The blowtorch animation doesn’t end at the end of robbery because it throws an error for line 135 in the console. Go into your esx_knatusrobberybank client/client.lua and check lines 135 & 137. He has


I kept geting an error indexing a nil global TriggerClientEvent and had to wait forever for the anim to stop
i changed the above to


no more console errors of the finish of robbery and anim finishes at the right time.

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Ah, works perfect. Appreciate it!

Thx for investigating into it, it seems I had a stupid mistake :stuck_out_tongue: