[Release] esx_ktackle - Tackling for Police Officers

Why don’t you use something like this that’s already non esx [Release] Tackle System

Because the animation sucks xD Were going for realistic :slight_smile:

Is there a fixed version that doesn’t make it where when you tackle they fall away from where the tackle happened?

It’s not an animation, it’s just ragdoll :wink:

is there a way so that another job can use it ? I use esx_policejob and esx_sheriff

how can i make it so multiple jobs can tackle?

Yes, you can edit this in client.lua

Declare a var local Xjob='label job' on the top,
example: local AmbulanceJob='ambulance'

Then find this line:

	if IsControlPressed(0, Keys['LEFTSHIFT']) and IsControlPressed(0, Keys['G']) and not isTackling and GetGameTimer() - lastTackleTime > 10 * 1000 and PlayerData.job.name == PoliceJob then

And change for this:


if IsControlPressed(0, Keys[‘LEFTSHIFT’]) and IsControlPressed(0, Keys[‘G’]) and not isTackling and GetGameTimer() - lastTackleTime > 10 * 1000 and (PlayerData.job.name == PoliceJob or PlayerData.job.name == AmbulanceJob) then

Hope help you and work!

how can all players do this because the police can do it? !

With Victor said you Just need to cover all jobs, simples as that

How could i make it so anyone could tackle someone?

still work?

Just sear where it says if PlayerData.job.name = “police” i think

Hi, I was wondering, is there a hunger and water bar scenario in the video?

Has anyone managed to remove the ESX components and get it to work as a Standalone?

Would love a standalone version of this.

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I’m also looking to see of anyone can convert for standalone for Fx Servers.

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Anyone got a non-esx version yet?

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I’m going to figure how to make this for Non-esx servers if i figure it our ill release it.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Found anything?

Nope only mess around with FiveM in my spare time just for fun, so may try see if i can get this to work.