[Release-ESX Jail] Prisonwork, Anti Combat Log, Mugshot

Seem like the clothes are fucked, works for female but not male, and if you change positions it is the other way around.

local Male = GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01")
	TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(skin)
		if GetHashKey(GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId())) == Male then
			local clothesSkin = {
				['tshirt_1'] = 20, ['tshirt_2'] = 15,
				['torso_1'] = 33, ['torso_2'] = 0,
				['arms'] = 0,
				['pants_1'] = 7, ['pants_2'] = 0,
				['shoes_1'] = 34, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, clothesSkin)

			local clothesSkin = {
				['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
				['torso_1'] = 2, ['torso_2'] = 6,
				['arms'] = 2,
				['pants_1'] = 2, ['pants_2'] = 0,
				['shoes_1'] = 35, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, clothesSkin)

I also have the issue where players respawn at the hospital and not the prison.

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Sure, open up the script and add some if statements and it’ll do exactly what you need.

where do i throw the map addon in my database there was nothing in the readme

Do you have the name of the cell doors?

Hey, I just don’t get how to install it. :frowning:

how to disable this combat log feature where it kills u when u come back?

how can i change the prisoner clothes? Also, how can i fix the issue of not allowing a visitor into jail where prisoners are living.

So if someone dies does anyone have code or a fix for them to spawn back at the prison?

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is there anyway to add to it so, if you do prison works anyway to add it so it takes off time of their jail sentence.

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how to add real jail time?

I changed the clothes and it works for me

Client/utils then start at line 64

In the resource folder to make it easier to find it make a folder called [Maps] so then you would go to resources/[Maps] then put it in there

Can you send your edit of the clothes? been trying for weeks and still no luck

i have this, replace the code in client/utils.lua line 52

	TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(skin)
			if skin.sex == 0 then
			local clothesSkin = {
				['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
				['torso_1'] = 0, ['torso_2'] = 0,
				['arms'] = 0,
				['pants_1'] = 7, ['pants_2'] = 5,
				['shoes_1'] = 34, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, clothesSkin)

			local clothesSkin = {
				['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
				['torso_1'] = 2, ['torso_2'] = 6,
				['arms'] = 2,
				['pants_1'] = 2, ['pants_2'] = 0,
				['shoes_1'] = 35, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, clothesSkin)

I love this resource so much! but i have a problem with the map doors. Any ideas?

It’s a nice script and I think I’ll definitely be using it. But there is just a couple things that need to be fixed/added.

To be Fixed- when someone is in jail and then the log out and come back, it puts them back in jail, but there jail time does not continue from where it left off and then your in their regular clothes.

To be added- Make it so there is a way for people to go outside in the yard and maybe add a store incase people need food. But most of that can be added manually I guess but would be nice if it automatically came with it.

But with all that said it’s a very nice script with nice features. :slight_smile:

If you still need it DM me and I’ll send it after work

Works great