[Release-ESX Jail] Prisonwork, Anti Combat Log, Mugshot

sql error is simple it is necessary to put the number 0 in jail in all the users in the database to solve the problem because [NULL] will create probems with each new user … There is a way to change the outfit ??? thanks again for the script

How to get key to security room etc

Can anybody give me full client/main.lua from policejob with that edit?

For all those who gets an error at server.lua in sql make jail column default 0.

What if people die in jail?

yo, i tried to setup the outfits for male and female.
if the male outfit work the female outfit ist buggy, if the female outift work the male outfit is buggy.
idk where is the problem

Same here, and i dont see where is problem…

clothes are not the same for both genders. Change your character to female or vice versa when choosing clothing

Everything works great but when done packaging the box stays on the floor and I am holding an invisible box but unable to deliver it.

Fixed CLOTHES, extracted from https://github.com/ESX-PUBLIC/eden_jail

utils.lua on line 50, replace

local Male = GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01")

	TriggerEvent('skinchanger:getSkin', function(skin)
		if GetHashKey(GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId())) == Male then
			local clothesSkin = {
				['tshirt_1'] = 20, ['tshirt_2'] = 15,
				['torso_1'] = 33, ['torso_2'] = 0,
				['arms'] = 0,
				['pants_1'] = 7, ['pants_2'] = 0,
				['shoes_1'] = 34, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, clothesSkin)

			local clothesSkin = {
				['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
				['torso_1'] = 2, ['torso_2'] = 6,
				['arms'] = 2,
				['pants_1'] = 2, ['pants_2'] = 0,
				['shoes_1'] = 35, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, clothesSkin)


This text will be hidden

ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin, jailSkin)
		if skin.sex == 0 then
			SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 3, 5, 0, 0)--Gants
			SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 4, 9, 4, 0)--Jean
			SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 6, 61, 0, 0)--Chaussure
			SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 11, 5, 0, 0)--Veste
			SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 8, 15, 0, 0)--GiletJaune
		elseif skin.sex == 1 then
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 3, 14, 0, 0)--Gants
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 4, 3, 15, 0)--Jean
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 6, 52, 0, 0)--Chaussure
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 11, 73, 0, 0)--Veste
            SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 8, 14, 0, 0)--GiletJaune
			TriggerEvent('skinchanger:loadClothes', skin, jailSkin.skin_female)

So I’m a little confused… I put my self in jail, got my mug shot got put in a cell, I opened the cell went to the security room then walked right out of the jail to the parking lot… am I missing something?? Shouldn’t doors be locked?

Thanks for this

ymaps not work

I have another ymap that looks exactly like this but with doors. I put lock on the doors and change some teleports. Works fine. Just take a little work

not sure whats happend but players dont get unjailed and i cant get out of jail its just a black screen for me

Probably cause u changed names on the locations. It has to be the same everywere

I could understand that if i have edited the files but i haven’t… I reinstalled it and still same thing i feel like its another script conflicting with it or something maybe Chemical toxin menus has something to do with it…

Brilliant post. Thanks my friend. :ok_hand:

help !!! Do i have to Set jail time limit

Does streaming maps affect this when its time to be un-jailed? When i send someone to jail the time expires but they dont spawn in front the jail and when they leave the jail manually they just get a black screen i didn’t edit the coords