[Release][ESX] Inventory HUD - 2.4 (properties, trunks, players, shops, storages ...)

police menu don’t active why?

Thank you for posting this fix, I was so confused why I couldn’t get my motel inventory to show.

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When someone is downed and you search them and take a weapon, when they are revived they still have the weapon you took from them (DUPLICATES) does anyone know how to fix this please

EDIT: the problem has nothing to do with this script its a problem in es_extended, If anyone has the same issue just remove the 4 lines it says here https://github.com/ESX-Org/es_extended/pull/315/files

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I can not put weapons and cash in my property

Is there any way to put multiple of the same weapons for example 2 pistols in someones inventory as difffernt items

Is there anyway of making a “Confirmation” when i’m going to pass my items to the trunk? Something like "Are you sure you want to put this item in your trunk? Yes - no "

anyone got the property to work?
i cant store any item…

It would be very good if you could specify the inventory size, just like in the trunk.
Item limit brings nothing, then I can have 50 other items in the inventory.
Is that possible?

How do I change adm permissions?

Guys, obviously I’m missing something here, but I can’t get this to work on property inventories. Got player and trunk working fine, just literally have no clue how to get it to work with properties. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hello, I have a problem with esx_addoninventory_trunk, when I want to see the trunk of my car he tells me that this vehicle is not mine !! While I have just bought it, please help?

hello i have a problem. When i install this script; police car spawn, police clothes change etc. not working. Please help.

Did you manage to change it?

MakeDataStore (@vn_trunk/server/trunk.lua:83)
GetSharedDataStore (@vn_trunk/server/trunk.lua:98)
handler (@vn_trunk/server/trunk.lua:106)

Anyone got a suggestion on what this could be? This is the line of code:

function MakeDataStore(plate)
local data = {}
local owned = getOwnedVehicule(plate)
local dataStore = CreateDataStore(plate, owned, data)
SharedDataStores[plate] = dataStore
“INSERT INTO trunk_inventory(plate,data,owned) VALUES (@plate,’{}’,@owned)”,
["@plate"] = plate,
["@owned"] = owned

function GetSharedDataStore(plate)
if SharedDataStores[plate] == nil then
return SharedDataStores[plate]

function(plate, cb)

Does anyone here know how to apply this to Jobs such as esx_mechanicjob?

It’s really good but i want to ask you something can we add a code that inventory closes immediately when die. Because dead person can give items to others.

add control disable (key) in file ambulancejob client

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I’m having an issue where the inventory wont close.

I stuck in the Inventory :confused:

You misunderstood. For example while inventory is open and i got shoot. i can give items to nearby players and if i E revive, items get duplicated. so i need a code that close immediately.