[Release] ESX - Food Water Drunk status bars under mini map! ( ESX ONLY )

Hello, my problem is that esx_fwd_ui is not updating the status Any solution?

u got an answer?
I have the same problem

Bar do not show up for me

I did everything that says in the readme, when entering the server does not appear the bar for me.
Could you help me with this?

Jeffery, have you fixed this issue already? If not, do you use Zap as a hosting provider? If yes, make sure your overwrite isn’t enabled on ESX. I had the same issue with other mods.

Are you trying to change to colors? If so, you need to open the ui.css file and change the color hex codes where it says #boxThirst, #boxHunger and #boxDrunk. You can use any color hex codes you want for any of them.

Yep fixed it already :stuck_out_tongue:

Good deal. I had issues with some of mine too and ofcourse I’m still kinda new to the whole FiveM server hosting, but am learning really quick. I plan on building my own ESX Chop Shop soon.

I need help, I don’t know why, but on my side the “drunk” bar doesn’t work.
I did beautiful and well exactly like the tutorial but still not functional :confused:

Make sure you paste it right. My Fault was in esx_status / client / main.lua I did not overwrite “end” so I had 2 thats why my Bars didnt work

I, directly use the ladderhud and i add a drunk bar 100% functionally.

On this side there is no problem, my hunger and thirst bar works but not the one of drunkenness.

Check the drunk everywhere between esx_status & this resource

well just errase it until u have alchoolic drinks

ye got it, thanks!

Maybe a bit late, but go into your \cfx-server-data-master\resources[esx]\esx_fwd_ui
and open ui.js.
Then add ‘’//’’ on line 14 if you dont have the additionalneeds script

My reply above ^^

THanks bro :slight_smile:

The Hunger, Thirst and Drunk bars are ALWAYS full.
I’m just stuck at this point, been going over where I’ve been going wrong and can’t find it… Anyone that can help me I would be GREATLY appreciated!

And yes, I have went over the instructions around 5-10 times, over and over :smiley:

Never took the time to say thank you for this mod… it run perfectly … i just personally would swap the drunk bar for a car fuel bar… since i dont drink often in game. It just my own specific needs… thank you for the script!

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I’m having the same problem