[Release] [ESX] [Drugs]

how to set a limit so people doesn’t farm to much ? I mean like set a limit to collect 30 weed and 30 pouch etc

Can anybody help me with disabling the drug blips on my server? I downloaded this exact modification and everything, but I am still seeing the blips on the map, which ruins the RP in my opinion.

Thanks for anyone/everyone who decides to help me!

Anyone else having issues when moving the drugs in the config? The action circle doesnt seem to move… Any help would be much appreciated.


for k,v in pairs(Config.Zones) do
local blip = AddBlipForCoord(v.x, v.y, v.z)

	SetBlipSprite (blip, v.sprite)
	SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4)
	SetBlipScale  (blip, 0.9)
	SetBlipColour (blip, v.color)
	SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)



From esx_drugs_cl

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Thank you so very dearly!

There’s a way to add a loading bar while the player is getting/processing/selling the drugs?


could you send them to me please ?

Is there a way to speed up the harvest time of the drugs?

I would need those locations thank you very much if you are so kind, I appreciate it

Yup. Change the Config.TimeToFarm value to something lower than 17 (seconds) in config.lua

Config.TimeToFarm    = 17 * 1000
Config.TimeToProcess = 46 * 1000
Config.TimeToSell    = 5  * 1000

Thank you. I had to update the script to get that ability.

Hi guys, is there a way to log all interactions with player’s steamid or name? Atm i’m printing in console like “print(’[DEBUG]DRUGS SELL OPIUM 486’)”

Do anyone know how to set the drug pickups and processing to be in a instance?

Could you PM me the coords on Discord, Damen H.#3709

How to hide the markers on the map?

Remove from es_drugs_cl

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Maybe someone knows how to fix it?

im getting the same thing on my server did you find out the reason or a way to stop it ?

everytime i change anything in the config it get overwritten with the base config again

remove the .git folder in server esx_drugs folder will stop the over write

Can i have the locations please?