[Release] [ESX] [Drugs]

in your config file, there is a line of config written something like --config.markercolor or something like that, remove the –
infront and save restart your server, you will see the green cirles were the zone should be this could help you, find the actual spot if you not in the right place, also, look below I have posted other info on blips on map.

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When I sell comes normal money … I want it to turn into dirty money. how do I do?

Please send me the locations

Thanx for trying to help but if you checked when I was asking it was in October last year and I posted that I solved my problem btw

Very nice script. The Drug areas are in a bit random locations but its easy to edit.

Ever got an answer to this? How do we go about selling drugs to NPC’s instead of a seller?

I can’t get blips to show on the map. the weed one should show since it is set to 0 cops and it is not showing up. I have currently Config.MarkerType = 1

Config              = {}
Config.MarkerType   = 1
Config.DrawDistance = 100.0
Config.ZoneSize     = {x = 5.0, y = 5.0, z = 3.0}
Config.MarkerColor  = {r = 100, g = 204, b = 100}
Config.RequiredCopsCoke = 2
Config.RequiredCopsMeth = 2
Config.RequiredCopsWeed = 0
Config.RequiredCopsOpium = 3
Config.Locale = 'en'

Config.Map = {
  {name="Coke Farm",       color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=2145.9228515625,  y=4778.8076171875,  z=40.253701019287},
  {name="Coke Treatment",  color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-458.13967895508, y=-2278.6174316406, z=7.5158290863037},
  {name="Coke Sales",      color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-1756.1984863281, y=427.31674194336,  z=126.68292999268},
  {name="Meth Farm",       color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=1390.298828125,   y=3605.0217285156,  z=38.00956726074},
  {name="Meth Treatment",  color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-1147.4151611328, y=4940.0087890625,  z=221.00686645508},
  {name="Meth Sales",      color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-63.592178344727, y=-1224.0709228516, z=27.768648147583},
  {name="Opium Farm",      color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=1541.784790039,   y=6335.3999023438,  z=23.028722381592},
  {name="Opium Treatment", color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=-7.26499023438,   y=519.51328125,     z=173.575107192994},
  {name="Opium Sales",     color=6, scale=0.8, id=403, x=2331.0881347656,  y=2570.2250976562,  z=46.681819915772},
  {name="Weed Farm",       color=2, scale=0.8, id=140, x=2217.125,         y=5577.5942382813,  z=52.961572647095},
  {name="Weed Treatment",  color=2, scale=0.8, id=140, x=29.061386108398,  y=3666.0380859375,  z=39.77326965332},
  {name="Weed Sales",      color=2, scale=0.8, id=140, x=-54.249694824219, y=-1443.3666992188, z=31.068626403809}

Hey Im curious for some reason its set to give me only clean money, Which I do not want at all! is there a possibility to switch this function into dirty money, I tried a few variations I will show you below

I need this to change

                elseif CopsConnected >= 5 then
                    TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('sold_one_coke'))

So that it gives you dirty money not clean money I’ve tried this way but it doesnt seem to work.

                elseif CopsConnected == 4 then
                    xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', 20)
                    TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('sold_one_coke'))

Is there a way I can change the following like below to give them dirty money.


if so I’d appreciate it.

This should help you with certain functions and such. For dirty money, change it in the server.lua

Example: xPlayer.addAccountMoney(‘black_money’, 358)

I appreciate the help man, means alot, Yea I tried the black_money plus the amount there but for some reason its not adding the money Unsure as to why tbh and thanks alot man for that resource

Sorry I didn’t see that you tried that. What errors are you getting when you are in the sell marker? If any

No errors at all sadly the money doesnt even change I even made sure to look in the database and see if the values had changed but that wasn’t the case its still set to 0 I want to make it dirty that way there is more RP to it so you actually have to get that cleaned

That’s weird. Where did you get your version of the resource? Compare your version to this one on the github https://github.com/ESX-Org/esx_drugs?files=1

If you have the esx_ambulancejob you can change what you loss

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Hi, is there anyways to disable the blips on the map? Im new to all this so wanna make sure i dont ruin everything.

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I’d love the locations please

Is there a way to set a limit how much you can collect?

In the database - Limit

How to make that people can pick up the drugs because it says something in french when they try to pick up dropped drugs.

am using this but its only the weed that works, when i try to sell the other is saying that am selling coke… etc
then its says drug sold but i dont get any money and the coke is still in the inv. :slight_smile: is it any fix? :smiley: