[Release] esx_doorlock

In my experience, you can just shoot the doors/cells with a gun and it will open the door even if it’s locked. Is there a way to counter this?

Great release by the way.

I have done so that when you press E to lock the door it shuts immediatly in the right position. Qalle a Swedish scripter have done that aswell in his script


So I’m getting this error and I have no idea why. An older version of this exact script works perfectly fine.

Doesn’t even seem to be the same script.

I was wondering if theres anyway to be able to use a lock pick (using esx_lockpick hopefully?) on the doors to get them to open instead of it just being checking for job title

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what should i do to get a door’name ,yaw and coords.
please help,thank you.

Good, very good resource and well optimized however when someone enters the server does not affect the blocking of the door to be affected I have to be doing

restart esx_doorlock

in the cmd, how can I solve this?

error on F8

Thanks in advance: D

Essentailly I’m attempting to make a jailbreak system, the easiest way I think do this is with:




I’ve gotten to a point where the gate of the prison can be unlocked by hacking it successfully with the tablet, but it only updates the state of the door for the client that unlocked it, the gate appears closed and locked for others, im trying to either make it so this action updates server side, or that the action instead of unlocking it, forces the door server-side into an open position by changing its Y value, any help tackling this project with us would be much appreciated

How can i add jjobs?

authorizedJobs = { ‘unicorn’ }, { 'mafia },


authorizedJobs = { ‘unicorn’, ‘mafia’ },


What? thanks :wink:

authorizedJobs = { ‘unicorn’}, for esx_vanillaunicorn

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yes yes but can different workers open the door? for example unicorn and mafia?

sorry for my english I am using a translator.

only unicorn workers
on my example

okey thanks calipo

I want the door to open the workers of the unicorn and the mafia. Sorry for my english i am using translator.

okay you can try

authorizedJobs = { ‘unicorn’ }, {“mafia”},

if not works you can fix fast duplicating the doors in config esx_doorlock for mafia and unicorn but deleting textCoords = and locked =
in the duplicated

like this

objName = ‘prop_gate_prison_01’,
objCoords = {x = 1818.542, y = 2604.812, z = 44.611},
textCoords = {x = 1818.542, y = 2608.40, z = 48.00},
authorizedJobs = { ‘unicorn’ },
locked = true,
distance = 12,
size = 2

objName = ‘prop_gate_prison_01’,
objCoords = {x = 1818.542, y = 2604.812, z = 44.611},
authorizedJobs = { ‘mafia’ },
distance = 12,
size = 2

I suppose it should work

The script work when edit “true” or “false” and the text locked/unlocked not show at the doors.
please help

Same error. Unedited fresh install. Ended up using an older version instead until it’s updated.

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Is there a way to make the new version support items instead of jobs? We use clubkeys, prisonkeys, policekeys as items to get into certain spots.

Yes you can. If you use items already in a previous version, then just use that code and implement that feature to this script? Why do you have to ask if you already have the feature?

I am using a different script for the items as keys and it’s not that optimized. This one is and when I tried using the items code it brought the resource time up to 1.8ms so that’s why I asked.

can you add locking doors by its hash id? like 749848321? I cant find prop names :frowning: