[Deprecated] [ESX] Disc-InventoryHUD

The issue is that the script has a issue at the moment syncing the user_inventory table with the inventoryhud’s table…

sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t automatically

until it’s fixed use /ensureinv to initiate a manual sync

Don’t use LSRP-Motels… it’s insanely bugged;… use disc-property and add in the motels using the MLO Interior

allright im going to take a look at it do you have anny link to the MLO Interior for the motell ?
or property ?

I see, that’s working.

1 Like

never mind, got it working

I have a problem with the inventory, when I open it and I can’t close it again, any solution? I have already changed the keys to close it and nothing.

what es_extended version did you get?

When I go to the default shops, they do not work they show up as a drop instead of a buy item.
I get a script error when opening the shop.

Here is a screenshot.


also a video of what i am talking about:

I open inventory and I press f2 again but it’s not closing.

press Esc

it probably something messed up with your items… like items that u dont have in the db or mis spelled

Yeah I fixed it just double checked items in db and double checked the config

I need some help right now.
watch this:

I can’t use the vodka item.
btw no error occurs in my console no no screenshot of that.
I have the item in my database and everything I just don’t know what to do.

Make sure u have it registered as a usable item

nope didn’t worked and when I press f2 when inventory open it says Closing… but it doesn’t closing.

There is an X at the top right see if you can click that and that’ll close it.
If that doesn’t work check your inputs in the resource.

I do thanks.
Now when i drink the vodka it says I’m drinking water.
how do I get it to say “Used 1x Vodka” ?
I changed the used_water to used_vodka but it says translation_en_used_vodka not found

I need help

any suggestions?
I can’t use my inventory AT ALL
this happened when i restarted the server
the last thing i did was add items to a police shop.

Hi. Maybe сan you help me ?

maybe deleted old item base ? http://prntscr.com/pv28gl