[RELEASE] [ESX] Diamond Casino Lucky Wheel

your depedency says this


  • ESX
  • Diamond Casino pack <----- Witch One you have

The wheel is under the casino for me ? I’m using the MLO Diamond Casino - manually moved all co-ordinates but nothing happens when you try to spin :s Is there another interior ? links ??

i’m fixing now all positions

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I have the same issue, im sure we can add a Heading coord somewhere?

how to add the heading cords?

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Can you share your coords ?

local _wheelPos = vector3(976.25, 50.78, 74.68)

            _wheel = CreateObject(model, 978.0117, 50.3487, 73.9561, false, false, true)
            SetEntityHeading(_wheel, -30.9754)
            -- Car
            while not HasModelLoaded(carmodel) do

            local vehicle = CreateVehicle(carmodel, 963.79, 47.62, 75.57, 0.0, false, false)

 local _movePos = vector3(976.25, 50.78, 74.68)

here you have the coords



no problem mate

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which casino dlc do you use any are you able to play slots and tables in it to?

Erro spawn

i have MLO Diamond Casino to but the coords from @zGiacometz1 is also not working hmm.

what the problem you have on the cords?

use menyoo to search for coords like i did with @zGiacometz1

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not true you kidding me boy

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last coord you need is this one

local _movePos = vector3(976.25, 50.78, 74.68)

Thanks when i spinn the rolling spinn is 30° in the other spin is there a fix ?

also does anyone know which money hud he is using?

i’m trying to resolve that

@zGiacometz1 thx Buddy can you text me when you have fixed the issiu i trying that 1 person can only 1 aktion per 24 hours