[RELEASE] ESX Deliveries

I mean, it is an ESX plugin. Why would you need a job specific for it? You place a safe deposit which you get back once you return the vehicle.

how to compile source code?

Anyone know how to translate this?
I made all the english text dutch but for some reason when i restart the server it all stay’s english ??

Because it’s in C# you have to build the plugin again in Visual studio. Open the .sln file and build it. then get those newly generated files to your script folder.

"ESX_Deliveries-master"does not work, it does not appear.And “esx_deliveries” works however I could not change the value and nor translate

Very good job.
You could make locales that allow you to use in another language.

@CLOS @PocketFace
I have the strings ready for translation inside DeliveryData.cs … you have to change them and build the script yourself in visual studio

Very good job mate, all work, I translated full script a work fine

How can I change the cost and what program do you use for dll files

download the source in git and open sln in visual studio and edit the stuff you want.
then build esx_deliveries_client and drag the new dll to your esx_deliveries folder =)

Can u pls make Convars for the vehicles that we can change the cars?

it’s not easy because if you tried the script you’ll notice i have some guidance markers placed above the vehicle, and behind the vehicle trunk to help the player. If the vehicle model changes those markers probably won’t function properly. You can make this customization yourself though. Lookup at DeliveryData.cs for the vehicle models. That will get you started.

so on translation this i’ll neeed to make it on visual studio and then build it? how do i make it? plz

Yes download visual studio, edit the strings and build. Even the extra references are nugget packages so i guess you won’t face problems building. I guess.

Would love this job but also a set of these deliveries up in the county. example. Start the job hud behind the 24/7 in that parking lot. and deliveries to sandy/harmony/paletto/zancudo areas

How to change amount of reward for each job

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This script is awsome but needs a way to End the job. Looks like a promising script :slight_smile: Good job

You Need to get a program that reads dll Files and then u can edit it. :slight_smile:

Can I use the notpadd++? Or I need to use another software?

You need to use a diffrent program then Notepad++ as it Dose not read DLL files. i was reading and found this

Blockquote Riipperino_PepperoniElement Club Argentum :cd:

Blockquote download the source in git and open sln in visual studio and edit the stuff you want.
then build esx_deliveries_client and drag the new dll to your esx_deliveries folder =)