[release] [esx] Custom Scoreboard with jobs online

Does anyone have this hood with the work with money and so forth, as in the screenshot below everything was on top!

I need help malta already put after es_estended & essencialmode remains the same !
helps me? Thank you!

Thanks for script. this script is very good for roleplay servers :slight_smile:

Hello someone know this scoreboard name?

Thx for help me.

Getting an issue where it cant find players online, Here is my errorā€¦


Cant seem to find out why the error is happening, I have it loaded at the end of server.cfg and disabled the standaard scoreboard.


Same result.
=> https://github.com/ESX-PUBLIC/esx_scoreboard/issues/13#issuecomment-457813585

I changed dashboard because the answer was zero

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Im still having the same issue, All works apart from im getting this error, Es_extended is up to date aswellā€¦ Any help would be appriciated :slight_smile:


I get this error in cmd and I canā€™t get it to work

es_extended: TriggerServerCallback => [esx_scoreboard:getConnectedPlayers] does not exist

same error here, any luck?


Hi iā€™m using esx_mechanicjob (https://github.com/ESX-Org/esx_mechanicjob ) and when someone is mechanic does not appear in the scorboard. Iā€™ve changed from all .lua from mek to mechanic to mach with the name job. of cource I tried to leave it as it was and again does not apear anithing.

scoreboard.rar (132.1 KB)

Love this idea, tried implementing it. Is it just a case of changing the html from with the >span< >0< to the symbols? I had a look for what you mentioned but couldnā€™t seem to get it. No doubt something Iā€™m missing but appreciate and advice.

I believe that this is something to do with the scoreboard looking for ā€˜mechanoā€™ instead of ā€˜mechanicā€™ had the same issue and just changed the names over and worked fine.

Not at home currently to know the exact file path but if I managed to find it it canā€™t be too hidden.

Hope this helps.

If anyone still needs to find that location of the file its in /esx_scoreboard/client/main.lua:96.
elseif v.job == 'mecano' then

I have changed the file but still seem to be getting an error with my resource :frowning:

Itā€™s showing steam name over RP name for me.

Any ideas?

I have the scoreboard showing up but itā€™s not displaying any information (player names, players online, jobs online, etc.)

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Hi, i am totally new to thisā€¦ When I installed the scoreboard, it shows up when pressing F10 but doesnā€™t show any informationā€¦ The console says: es_extended: TriggerServerCallback => [esx_scoreboard:getConnectedPlayers] does not exist

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me too!

I have installed it but i dont see it. I have started in de script start scoreboard and start Stadus_Scoreboard i also have uploiaded it to resources.