[Release] [WIP] ESX 2

how can i see which player starts the robbery in esx_robbery? can i see his name/id from the console?

For new users esx cant find user identifier.
Plz help

Glad this is getting updates but i have not changed anything in base esx and i go to update this and it throws mysql errors and no longer works. do you need to wipe the database for this to work? or

Hello guys,

How can I disable bank, cash, job HUD’s on screen?


You have to change ports

I am having some problems with the esxambulace and esx police. The citizen interaction menu doens’t work but the vehicle interaction menu does work. this is the log and i do get a lot of errors i have no idea what the problem is.
This is my server.cfg : https://pastebin.com/raw/s99f5de3
I think everything is okey with that.

How to disallow transfer money or black money or bank money from users?

any idea on how to buy vehicles using society money for example:

buying police vehicles,fining officers for using rentals,etc
with society money?

also for some reason depositing society money doesn’t actually deposit!

EDIT: also the discord invite is expired.

I’m having issues adding handcuffs as items to be able to be bought from a store and used as a item in your inventory does anyone know anything about making this possible or not?

this is the error i get when everything seems fine to load es_extended:

Loaded MySqlConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d33d3e53aa5f8c92 into ScriptDomain_555260280
hitch warning: frame time of 184 milliseconds
Loaded System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_555260280
Loaded System.Buffers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_555260280
[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query "SELECT * FROM items {=}": Unknown database 'fivem_server

When going to the car dealership and stepping onto circle to buy, this appears (after latest update):

Error resuming coroutine: client/main.lua:993: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘ShowHelpNotification’)
[ 85754] stack traceback:
[ 85754] client/main.lua:993: in function <client/main.lua:985>

Any ideas? :confused:

Hello, is there any new fbi job plugin for esx? And soldier?

Did you by chance ever find the error?

You don’t have a database setup with that name, or it can’t access the DB.

How come when someone throws something out of their inventory it takes 5 minutes to drop, where can I remove this feature because I can’t seem to find it and I very much don’t like it.

Hello! I have a fresh ESX framework loaded. I’ve changed some thing but I didn’t touch the esx_accessories. I have a problem with set/unset accessories. Menu is working but I can’t toggle mask, glassess, etc. How to fix that?

Fixed my problem…

(20 chars)

Need Assistance with this
When someone joins the server it puts them at their default spawn location that is predefined, The database updates their positions when they move ect… when they disconnect reconnect they get put at the last place they were at, What I want to do is make it so when they disconnect or when they rejoin the server no matter if its their first time spawning or not, I want them to go to a defined co ord that I have set so there is a default spawn location… Can anyone assist with this?? The following is what I need.

  • Where it is calling for the players last location when they load in
  • where I can change it
  • how to set the default spawn

If someone could point me to the right file that would be great.

in client.main

AddEventHandler('playerSpawned', function()

Change those to put the position you want insted of the player last save position

	-- Restore position
	if ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition ~= nil then
		SetEntityCoords(playerPed,  ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition.x,  ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition.y,  ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition.z)

and for the default spawn it has nothing to do with es_extended but with fivem-map-skater and fivem-map-hipster

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Now when players get revived with this cause an isssue?
This does infact cause an issue when they get revived Anyway to counter that?

I was thinking how can I set it if they spawn it brings them there but if they get revived they go back to their previously location

How to fix it
Create a duplicate of the original eventhandler and set it to playerspawned2
then find your ambulance job and find where its calling for that event and change that to playerspawned2 then bam on revive they will go to their last location and on spawn they will go to your defined location :slight_smile: