[Release] ESX-ALphone (call system)

phone and phone3 are on F1 key and Phone is for dispash and Phone3 is for call

and zusupp it is call phone with skin of blackbarry so I did it so it works for me

thanks for the help bro, but i just want one phone

phone we hiddenand phone 3 you see

dude i’m going to try the way you say, do you have some screenshots?

So summary


start esx_phone
start esx_phone3
start esx_blackberry

phone is for GPS … but you will not see the skin
phone3 you will see F1 button and then call or dispah send GPS
that is how it goes

link http://prntscr.com/ibnuzy

you changed something in the esx_phone skin, or just go like it is from default?

phone sql in DB
and nothing else

just a question you have ESX ? :smiley:

yes bro i have esx, why?

because VRP does not get…

only like that Bro :smiley:

is esx dont worry., you managed to insert the item blackberry or you stay with problems?

I have the problem but it works without DB Blackbarry

I can help you, for me its working properly, do you have the table items in the db?

what do you mean I wanted blackberry in item but it does not work for me

INSERT INTO `items` (name, label) VALUES
	('blackberry', 'Black Berry')


Don understand your language, pls english
This go in items bro

sorry :smiley: okey that’s dan an object the phone?

should I enter the phone then in shop to buy?
Since police cell phone takes away

“okey that’s dan an object the phone?”
cant understand
yes you should put that on the shops, so players can buy it