[Release] EssentialMode base

ditch c i t a d e l and go with gamehosting, they are cheaper, better, and give you full access to your couch db servers. Essential mode will work on c i t a d e l, but they refuse to update to the newest version, and will not let you have access to couch db

From experience, they did/do provide you with 1 (one) MySQL Database but I canā€™t recall it working properly. They also do not offer CouchDB support.

Itā€™'s seems the /ban command doesā€™t work. Iā€™ve checked on server.lua and nothing about any BAN commands. I tried with /ban [ID] and with GUI ā€¦ nothing happened !! Is just me or something is missing ? :slight_smile:

/ban isnā€™t a command per-say, you access it from the Admin ā€œHOMEā€ key on the keyboard

Thanks for your answer.
But that what iā€™ve tried ā€¦ on GUI (with ā€œHOMEā€ key) and nothing happened :frowning:
I set myself ā€œsuperadminā€ with ā€œpremission_level4ā€ !!
Maybe i do somethink wgrong !!

When I use the admin gui everything works great until I close it, I can see the mouse cursor moving but I canā€™t hit any keys or bring up any menus again. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Itā€™s happened to a few people including me, try a fresh version of es_admin2

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I have mysql setup. Everything seems ok, except that I get this error when logging in:

Loaded MySqlConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_192398265
hitch warning: frame time of 1961 milliseconds
Connecting: mr_cpu_geek
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Loaded System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_192398265
Loaded System.Buffers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_192398265
Error running call reference function for resource essentialmode: server/player/login.lua:9: attempt to index a boolean value (local ā€˜userā€™)
stack traceback:
server/player/login.lua:9: in local ā€˜refā€™
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:277: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:268
Error running call reference function for resource esplugin_mysql: citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: missing bytes
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ā€˜errorā€™
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: in method ā€˜underflowā€™
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:465: in field ā€˜anyā€™
citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:860: in field ā€˜unpackā€™
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:338: in upvalue ā€˜callbackā€™
server.lua:29: in local ā€˜refā€™
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:277: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:268
[ERROR] [] Check the error above, an error happens when executing the callback from the query : ā€œSELECT * FROM users WHERE identifier=@identifier; {identifier=steam:11000010e70f17d}ā€
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110

It writes out a User record each time I connect. So, Iā€™m getting multiple User records for the same user.

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Hey Guys,

I need some help with creating my CouchDB Database for essentialmode,

I fill in the stuff for the db info, restart the server and the essential database hasnt been created.

Am I missing something?


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Update 4.6.1

  • More dev tools have been added
  • Inheritance fixes for groups
  • Code cleanup
  • Additional things I donā€™t remember


  • Some es_admin2 fixes like right bumper opening the menu shouldnā€™t happen anymore

Cool thanks, is there a way to set the admin menu to only open up for those assigned a certain group?

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It will open for not users, so anyone that isnā€™t assigned to the user role will have it be able to open. However none of the commands work without proper permissions for them which can be seen at the top of server.lua inside of es_admin2

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Does any thing come up in your console? Such as error. Also, when youā€™re in the game does anything happen when you do /info?

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Hello when I start my fx server (i did own an old server but fx is so complicated), I got an error; I donā€™t know why. this is the error i had when i log in to my server (i did upload the sql file from esplugin_mysql and put identifier as primary key). i got newest version from master and essentials:

Started resource es_admin2
Started resource fivem
Started gametype Freeroam
Started resource hardcap
Started resource ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 
Started resource scoreboard
Started resource loadingscreen
cfx> Resolved live-internal.fivem.net:30110 to
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Started resource fivem-map-skater
Started map fivem-map-skater

Current version: 4.6.1
Updater version: 4.6.1

Everything is fine!

Loaded MySqlConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_285012073
hitch warning: frame time of 409 milliseconds
Connecting: Jager Bom
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Loaded System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_285012073
Loaded System.Buffers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 into ScriptDomain_285012073
Error running call reference function for resource essentialmode: server/player/login.lua:9: attempt to index a boolean value (local 'user')
stack traceback:
        server/player/login.lua:9: in local 'ref'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:277: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:268>
Error running call reference function for resource esplugin_mysql: citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: missing bytes
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:830: in method 'underflow'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:465: in field 'any'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/MessagePack.lua:860: in field 'unpack'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:338: in upvalue 'callback'
        server.lua:29: in local 'ref'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:277: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:268>
[ERROR] [] Check the error above, an error happens when executing the callback from the query : "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `identifier`=@identifier; {identifier=steam:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX}"

^^ this is when i got an empty database and when i relog (2 times) i got this :

Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Connecting: Jager Bom
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
nil     ~=      2
[ERROR] [] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO users (`identifier`, `money`, `bank`, `group`, `permission_level`) VALUES (@identifier, @money, @bank, @group, @permission_level); {identifier=steam:XXXXXXXXXX;group=user;permission_level=0;money=0;bank=0}": Duplicate entry 'steam:XXXXXXXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
Connecting: Jager Bom
Sending heartbeat to live-internal.fivem.net:30110
nil     ~=      3
[ERROR] [] An error happens on MySQL for query "INSERT INTO users (`identifier`, `money`, `bank`, `group`, `permission_level`) VALUES (@identifier, @money, @bank, @group, @permission_level); {identifier=steam:XXXXXXXXXX;group=user;permission_level=0;money=0;bank=0}": Duplicate entry 'steam:XXXXXXXXX' for key 'PRIMARY'

my server.crg file:

# you probably don't want to change these!
# only change them if you're using a server with multiple network interfaces
endpoint_add_tcp ""
endpoint_add_udp ""

set mysql_connection_string "server=localhost;database=essentialmode;userid=root;password=XXXXXXX"
set es_enableCustomData 1

start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql
start es_admin2
start fivem
start hardcap
start ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 
start scoreboard
start loadingscreen

sv_scriptHookAllowed 0

and so on

and this is the config file of essentialmode (but configs doesnā€™t matter because i use esplugin_mysql and mysql-async) or am i wrong ?

ip = GetConvar('es_couchdb_url', '') 	-- Change to wherever your DB is hosted, use convar
port = GetConvar('es_couchdb_port', '5984') 	-- Change to whatever port you have CouchDB running on, use convar
auth = GetConvar('es_couchdb_password', 'root:1202') 	-- "user:password", if you have auth setup, use convar

thanks in advance for your time and responding me @Kanersps

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@Kanersps can you add where people can ban from the chat command in the next update please

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Yes please @Kanersps . Do something to allow superadmin used /ban in chat because every commands work in chat except ā€œbanā€ and nothing work in GUI :frowning:

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It works for me in the GUI but i just think it will be nice to have /ban

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Iā€™ll add it as a command in the next version a long with better banning

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is es_rp now compatiplle with essential 5.6.1 ?

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Iā€™ll have to try that

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