[Release] EssentialMode base

You’ve got a ton more than I so it wouldn’t really help for me to do a file search but I can tell you how I find the mystery menus and maybe it will help you.

I’ve got a local copy of the server resource directory and in my text editor, I do a search within the directory recursively for the header text for the menu. That usually leads me to the language file which provides the constant that I can then search for to find the menu code. Once I’ve got that I can either remap it or disable it if it’s unneeded.

Somewhat convoluted, I know but it works well for me.

thats the menu I need to get rid of. its built into the base ESX install, its been there since day one of installing ESX on the server as far as i can recall.

thats a vehicle script i got it

and what i showed above 244=M is the script

Renamed? maybe

anyways thats the script and its not in essentialmode

I dont have any folders called that.

Ok, I found it. But now I’m looking through the DLL files for it.

client.lua you mean…

no dll

there is no client.lua for this one. very confusing this particular mod. I’m going to just hash it off the start sequence

Ok fuck off with talking about something completely unrelated to anything I made.


Hey guys, what scripts are of to access the inventory, work menu, invoices and, etc…? The scripts tha I have are giving me errors.

This is EssentialMode. not ESX

anyone know how long the money 7*60000 needs to be to have checks given every hour

I am receiving this error a lot recently, I updated essential mode and I am still receiving it.

Any help please?


60000 = 1 min so that’s showing u get paid every 7 min, so 60 * 60000 and so on

its telling you what is wrong. did you mess with any of the files in there?

negative [20 characters]

how do u change default laungauge


looks like a stringsplit error which means you got an outdated resource some where. this may not even be essentialmodes error message from the looks of it.

Stringsplit hasnt been used in awhile.

Its defiantly essentials mode because its only when a essential mode command is typed in chat.