[Release] [ES] AdvancedRP Server dump

What? How bro??

I’ve tried everything and I can not get both of them working.

Can you tell me how you did it?

I dont have the robbery fixed.

And you are talking about if(cops > 0)then on es_robberies\server\holdup.lua our the if(cops > 1)then es_robberies\server\bank.lua ???

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Yes it works like a math problem I set it to be if greater than zero cops or equal to >=0 it will work and rob it but won’t notify the police

Idk how to make this part work but it’s supposed to tell the people in the job class of police that there’s a robbery but it won’t. I have it up on my rebel Mafia Gaming server

i think it doesn’t recognize cops cause i set it to display the alert to all player and it works

How did you do it I am trying that way as well

just put the check on player’s job in comment like this in server/bank.lua on line 100 for example

TriggerEvent(‘es:getPlayers’, function(pl)
for k,v in pairs(pl) do
– TriggerEvent(‘es_roleplay:getPlayerJob’, k, function(job)
– if(job)then
– if(job.job == “police”)then
TriggerClientEvent(‘chatMessage’, k, ‘ROBBERY’, {255, 0, 0}, "Braquage en cours à " … bank.prettyName)
– end
– end
– end)

Hello guys,
This is working perfecly good and ty for the release. I just wanted to know if there is some wiki/doc for the using of es_customisation and how can i add/get the id of every object … in fact, how does it work !

how to delete compass plz :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot bud.

Also This is a decent release to get us started with since nobody else really does a pack of stuff. It’s really appreciated

hello, sorry whant you change in bold?

Where you add this trigger, I have tested in job.lua server and client side but not think?

Do you know how to add permission to police job ?

Can someone please tell me why buying cars don’t work? (everything else does including money) and yes i have a database.

Hi :slight_smile:

Somebody suceed to run the checkplate and robberies ?
And same of Zesha, how to add permission to police, ems, fireman job.


how do you make people lose their weapons when they die?

found this has those codes if you need them

The customization player dont save in DB ???

How to save customisation players ?

Hi, does anyone have the same problem where nothing is saved into the DB?

I have a MySQL DB set up with Wampserver, it is recognized by ES but it refuses to store anything in it.