[Release] [ES] AdvancedRP Server dump

I did it but it did not solve:Decepcionado, aliviado:

Hi, I am having a problem with the DB, the whole thing is completely empty, is it normal or have I done something wrong?

Using WampServer here


me too , do not know what line to change ! In short, waiting for a solution, I continue my ideas. Sorry for writing, i use
google tra 
 Good job to you

moi aussi je ne sais pas quelle ligne modifier ! breff en attendant une solutino , je continue mes idées . bon travail a vous .

hey man you able to get all the scripts working?

Okay, so half my problems have been solved in two steps, I needed to update .Net Framework to the latest version and to unblock MySql.Data.dll in the file properties. Sadly, I didn’t found how to fix the database issue

For the baguettes like me: Pour résoudre la moitié des problÚmes, mettez à jour .Net Framework vers la derniÚre version. Il y a aussi un fichier à débloquer qui se nomme MySql.Data.dll, pour le débloquer, faites clic droit sur lui > Propriétés et cliquez sur Débloquer.

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No one found fix for sv_carshop error ?

I have try this :

AddEventHandler('es:playerLoaded', function(source, user)
		local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE owner = '@name'", {['@name'] = user.identifier})
		local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, {'owner', 'model', 'colour', 'scolour', 'plate', 'wheels', 'windows', 'platetype', 'exhausts', 'grills', 'spoiler'}, "identifier")

		vehicle_data[source] = result

		local send = {}
		for k,v in ipairs(vehicle_data[source])do
			send[v.model] = true

		TriggerClientEvent("es_carshop:sendOwnedVehicles", source, send)

But not work

For save vehicle yes : [Release] [ES] AdvancedRP Server dump

For use vehicle saved after reconnect no

A few post below i posted a zip with my files. In case you wonder how it works.

I have your files, and impossible to use vehicle saved after reconnect on server

Me too
 can you help me ?

What do you mean ? You need to enter the shop and it will say ‘owned’ for the ones you already have. Next just click on it and you spawn in the car

It works like this the first time, but once you disconnect from the server, it does not keep in memory, at least there is an error and can not find the vehicle purchased

it does not keep it in memory, when you enter the carshop, it is retrieved from the database. Do you have any errors somewhere ?

the vehicle is save on the database but the function for load vehicle on login don’t work

yes https://puu.sh/vtOQb/f3eff9293d.png

In the database the vehicle is present. However after the reconnection, it does not find it, it must be redeemed

And what code do you use ?

i use your file

When you use my files, make sure to change the database also. I changed the vehicle table so that the options start with a default value of 0 <-- This is very critical otherwise the shop does not work.

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it’s work for me ! thanks !! <3

Can anyone explain to me why my ip changes in the database? thank you

Est ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’expliquer pourquoi mon ip change dans la base de donnĂ©es ? merci